When was Dr. Ernest Everett Just born and when did he die?
August 14, 1883 - October 27, 1941
When was Alpha chapter chartered?
December 15, 1911
Name 3 founders
• • Amos D. Stewart
What was Charles Drew Famous for?
Discovering blood transfusions
After the first meeting of Omega Psi Phi, when was the next one?
November 23, 1911
What 2 members went to the same high school?
Dr. Oscar James Cooper and Professor Frank Coleman
When was Beta chapter chartered and where?
February 6, 1914 at Lincoln University in Lincoln, Pennsylvania.
When was Pi Psi chartered?
February, 1929
When was Tariq Jackson born?
June 15th, 2004
What states are all in the 10th district? In correct order
Illinois, Indiana, Michigan, Minnesota, Wisconsin
When was Bishop Edgar Amos Love born and where?
September 10, 1891 in Harrisburg, Virgina
Where was Epsilon chapter chartered?
City wide for New York
What did Ralph Vaughn do?
Was initially apart of Alpha chapter, but went to UIUC and helped charter Pi Psi.
When was Joseph Eloby born?
June 8th, 2003
Who is the current Grand Basileus?
Ricky L. Lewis
Who was the adviser among the founders and what did he teach?
Dr. Ernest Everett Just, and he taught biology.
When and where was Gamma chapter chartered?
March 2nd, 1916 and was city wide for Boston, Massachusetts
Who is the 10th district representative?
Sean T. Long
Where did Steve Harvey cross?
Kent State University
Who was the first and 3rd grand Basileus?
Bishop Edgar Amos Love
What is the name of the high school Oscar James Cooper went to?
M Street High School or now Dunbar
When and where was Delta chapter chartered?
January 22, 1919 at Meharry Medical College in Nashville, Tennessee
Who is the current basilus of Pi Psi?
How did Charles Drew die?
He needed a blood transfusion but because of segregation, he couldn't get one.
What are all of the mandated programs?
Achievement week
Health initiatives
Reclamation and Retention
Omega Stem
College Endowment Fund
Memorial Service
Talent Hunt Program
Fatherhood and mentoring
Social Action
Voter Registration, education and mobilization