Using Text Evidence
More Text Evidence
Central Idea

Look back at "Cedar Time".

According to the paragraph, why would one choose to build a fence with cedar?

A. It costs more.

B. It lasts longer.

C. It is less brittle. 

D. It is easier to work with.

B. It lasts longer. 


What information should go in your summary?

A. small details

B. the most important information

C. your opinion

D. a list of characters

B. the most important information


1. Horses are amazing animals. 2. They can run very fast for long amounts of time. 3. They also come in lots of colors and patterns. 4. Horses can even learn how to do tricks and follow commands! 5. While horses may not be everyone's favorite animal, one should still appreciate them.
Which sentence does NOT explain why horses are amazing?

A. 2

B. 3

C. 4

D. 5

D. 5


Tim looked out the window. The house looked so lonely. Tim's father put the last suitcase in the trunk and started up the car. Thor, his dog, put his head on Tim's lap, like he understood how  Tim was feeling. "It's okay Thor," he said, "Dad says we will like California." What is happening?

A. Tim is sad because his dog doesn't have a house to live in.

B. Tim is taking a trip to visit people he doesn't know.

C. Tim is taking Thor to live with his grandmother.

D. Tim is moving to California with his family.

D. Tim is moving to California with his family.


Most people think that Johann Sebastian Bach played the piano, but this is not true. The piano was not invented until just two years before he died. Bach's main instrument was the organ. He was a great organist. He wrote a lot of wonderful music for that instrument. He also played other keyboard instruments that were ancestors of the piano. Among these instruments was the harpsichord. Along with Mozart, Bach is considered to be one of the all-time great composers
What is the main idea of this paragraph?

A. Mozart and Bach did not compose music for the piano.

B. Johann Sebastian Bach was a great organist and writer.

C. The piano had not been invented three hundred years ago.

D. The harpsichord was a keyboard instrument before the piano.

B. Johann Sebastian Bach was a great organist and writer.


Look back at "Cedar Time".

Which is NOT covered in the paragraph?

A. Why cedar is used outdoors.

B. How pine is easily destroyed by insects. 

C. How cedar is more expensive. 

D. Why pine is used to make furniture. 

D. Why pine is used to make furniture. 


When some people think about Texas, they think of cowboys on the open range-herding cattle up a dusty trail. However, Texas has much more than open prairie with large herds of cows. There are the mountains of West Texas, the piney hills of east Texas, and the emerald waters off the coast of Padre Island. Texas also has large coastal harbors with numerous sailboats, powerboats, inland lakes, rivers, swamps of southeast Texas with alligators and other exotic wildlife.
The Summary of this passage is:

A. There are a lot of cows in Texas.

B. There are many different, varied parts of Texas.

C. Texas is one of the biggest states in the United States.

D. There are alligators in the swampland of southeast Texas.

B. There are many different, varied parts of Texas.


1. Mike loved going to the lake. 2. He loved splashing in the water and seeing how long he could hold his breath. 3. He usually went to the lake with his parents, but sometimes his friends came, too. 3. Mike really liked when his friends came to the lake with him. 4. They always came up with the most fun games to play in the water.
Which sentence tells why Mike preferred when his friends came to the lake?

A. 1

B. 2

C. 3

D. 4

D. 4


Many breeds of dogs are used for work. In many cultures dogs are used to herd sheep. The dogs keep the flock from being attacked by animals such as wolves. They also keep sheep from wandering off. Sheepdogs are known for their loyalty and gentleness. Based on your reading of the text, you can INFER that:

A. Sheepdogs are not very smart dogs.

B. Sheepdogs are gentle and loyal.

C. There are many breeds of dogs.

D. Wolves are afraid of sheepdogs.

D. Wolves are afraid of sheepdogs. 


We often let others know what we are thinking without using words. The name that we give for this kind of communication is body language. Body language includes gestures, facial expressions, and posture. Body language does not always mean the same thing to everyone.
What is the main idea of the paragraph?

A. We sometimes use words to express ourselves.

B. Body language may not mean the same thing to everyone.

C. We use body language to communicate with others.

D. Body language includes gestures, facial expression, and posture.

C. We use body language to communicate with others.


According to the passage "Hiking the North Ridge Trails", one way you can show respect for the lands is by 

A. staying on the trails

B. taking pictures of the scenery.

C. telling others about your hiking experience. 

D. making a donation toward the upkeep of the trails. 

A. staying on the trails. 


The Blackpole Warbler is a tiny bird that takes a really long trip. This little songbird lives in the forests of North America in the summer. However, when the weather turns cold in North America, the Blackpole Warbler takes flight. These small birds fly all the way to the Caribbean, where they spend the winter on warm tropical beaches. How far does the warbler fly for this tropical getaway? Scientists have tracked the Blackpole Warbler and say these amazing birds can fly over 1,700 miles!

Which is the best summary of this text?

A. The blackpole warbler is a small bird. It is also a songbird. It can fly.

B. The blackpole warbler is a small songbird that can fly over 1,700 miles.

C. The blackpole warbler is a small songbird that flies from North America all the way to the Caribbean. The bird flies over 1,700 miles.

D. Birds often migrate to warmer places in the winter. 

C. The blackpole warbler is a small songbird that flies from North America all the way to the Caribbean. The bird flies over 1,700 miles.


Which general rule applies to the information in this passage?

A. Hikers should leave their pets at home.

B. Hikers should leave the trails as they found them. 

C. Hiking should be done on public lands. 

D. Hiking should be done in summer rather than winter. 

B. Hikers should leave the trails as they found them. 


Mr. Furlich is munching on his lunch. There is a lot of noise as he walks by the table chatting with students.

What can you infer about the SETTING?

A. Mr. Furlich is at McDonalds.

B. He is in the office.

C. Mr. Furlich is a runner.

D. He is in the cafeteria.

D. He is in the cafeteria.


Imagine testing glass by throwing chickens at it? Sometimes fast moving airplanes fly through flocks of birds. If the birds hit the windshield of a plane, the glass could shatter and cause a crash. Airplane manufacturers have made a chicken cannon that fires rubber chickens at glass windshields. If the windshield doesn't break when the rubber chicken hits it, the designers know that the glass can withstand the force of a real crash.

A. Why birds can be dangerous to airplanes

B. How a chicken cannon checks glass

C. How the Chicken cannon works

D. How big a bird can hit a plane and bring it down

B. How a chicken cannon checks glass


Refer back to "Hiking the North Ridge Trails". 

Which of the following is allowed when hiking on the North Ridge Trails?

A. feeding squirrels

B. cutting firewood

C. picking wildflowers

D. using log walkways

D. using log walkways


41. Which statement summarizes the text "Paradise Lost"? (RI.6.2)

A Severe and lasting damage occurs when humans conserve ecosystems.

B Before humans colonized New Zealand, animals lived without fear of predators.

C There are more types of plants and animals in New Zealand than on any other island on Earth.

D For plants and animals on islands to survive, there must be a balance between life and extinction.

D For plants and animals on islands to survive, there must be a balance between life and extinction.


43. According to the text "Paradise Lost", what is a hot spot? ((RI.6.1)

A an area that has a wide variety of unique species and an environment that is threatened

B an island that has many types of different species but not enough food to sustain them all

C a forest that has different species that have yet to be studied and catalogued

D a location that attracts many visitors that sometimes bring unwanted species

A. an area that has a wide variety of unique species and an environment that is threatened



What can you "infer" by reading the passage below?

"I hate the idea of having all those people out there watching me...I just don't like it when I'm around so many people. I wish I just could hide somewhere," whispered Violet.

A. Violet can be a mean girl.

B. Violet can be somewhat relaxed.

C. Violet is probably somewhat shy.

D. Violet is afraid of everything.

C. Violet is probably somewhat shy. 


Find the central idea

Being a clown isn't all fun and games. Rodeo clowns expose themselves to great danger every time they perform. When cowboys dismount or are bucked off of bulls at riding competitions, rodeo clowns jump in front of the bulls and motion wildly to get their attention. In this way rodeo clowns provide an alternate target, and in doing so protect the rider. So you see, sometimes clowning around can be serious business.

A. Being a clown isn't all fun and games.

B. Rodeo clowns protect cowboys by putting themselves in danger.

C. Rodeos are exciting.

D. Clowns are good at riding bulls.

B. Rodeo clowns protect cowboys by putting themselves in danger.


Look back at "Cedar Time".

Select all of the following that are covered in the paragraph. 

A. Why cedar is used outdoors.

B. Why cedar s more expensive. 

C. Why pine can be problematic. 

D. Why pine is used for furniture. 

A. Why cedar is used outdoors. 

C. Why pine can be problematic.


Which is the best summary of the passage "Hiking on North Ridge Trails"? 

A. The North Ridge Hiking Trails are very special because important events from history have taken place on or near them. 

B. More than 100 miles of North Ridge Hiking Trails offer a variety of paths for hikers. Stay safe by being prepared, following the trail, and obeying park rules. 

C. While hiking, observe posted signs and rules and look for markers when on the trail. Failure to do so may result in getting lost or injured. 

D. Hikers should prepare for hikes by wearing the right shoes, bringing water, and reviewing maps of the trails. Hikers will see unusual rock formations and rare wildflowers and plants. 

B. More than 100 miles of North Ridge Hiking Trails offer a variety of paths for hikers. Stay safe by being prepared, following the trail, and obeying park rules.


Which idea is included in both "Hiking the North Ridge Trails" and "Steady Steps"?

A. Hikers need to pay close attention when hiking on steep, rocky trails.

B. Hikers need to make sure they pick up any litter they drop while hiking. 

C. Hikers should be prepared for unexpected changes in the weather. 

D. Hikers should rest frequently but return to the trail within five minutes. 

A. Hikers need to pay close attention when hiking on steep, rocky trails.


47. Which quotation from "Paradise Lost" supports the inference that species extinctions also potentially have negative consequences for people? (RI.6.1)

A “And since islands with larger areas have more habitats to support more species, they have

slower rates of extinction than smaller islands. Population size is also critical to species survival.” (paragraph 10)

B “Human activity has increased extinction between 1,000 and 10,000 times in the rainforest by reduction in area alone.” (paragraph 11)

C “New Zealand’s biodiversity is also threatened by hundreds of mammal species that have been introduced (taken by people to a place where they don’t naturally occur).”

(paragraph 12)

D “‘The living resources of the world—ecosystems and its species—are still largely unexplored, much less studied for the benefits they might hold for humans...’” (paragraph 13)

D “‘The living resources of the world—ecosystems and its species—are still largely unexplored, much less studied for the benefits they might hold for humans...’” (paragraph 13)


Most people think that gorillas are mean, but actually they are shy. It seems that such a huge animal with very large teeth would be aggressive. Hollywood movies help convey this image of the scary, ferocious gorilla. In fact, gorillas only attack if they are provoked.

The main idea is:

A. Gorillas are misunderstood as vicious animals.

B. Gorillas are mean animals

C. Gorillas don't like other animals.

D. Gorillas are highly aggressive and provoke other animals.

A. Gorillas are misunderstood as vicious animals.
