Eat the hamburger!
Come la hamburguesa
Don't talk to her
No hables con ella
Don't play soccer
¡No juegues al fútbol.
Put the books on the table
Pon los libros en la mesa
Don't be mean
No seas malo
Walk fast!
Camina rápido
Don't eat the ice cream.
No comas el helado
Don't practice the piano.
¡No practiques el piano
Come here at 2:00
Ven aquí a las 2:00.
Don't make the bed.
No hagas la cama
Take a taxi
Toma un taxi
Don't sleep a lot
No duermas mucho
Don't eat lunch at 11:00
No almuerces a las once.
Tell the truth
Di la verdad
Don't tell your parents
No digas a tus padres
Wake up!
Don't brush your teeth
No cepilles los dientes
The negative informal command form of almorzar.
¡No almuerces!
Haz las galletas
Don't be scared (tener)
No tengas miedo
Sleep 8 hours
Duerme ocho horas
Don't wake up early
No te despiertes temprano
Don't arrive late
¡No llegues tarde!
Go to school
Ve a la escuela
Don'e leave before 8:00
No salgas antes de las ocho.