Why would anyone vote for Johnson? He is about as inspiring as a bowl of soggy cornflakes
Ad hominem abusive
we must provide funds to prop up the banks immediately. If we do not act quickly they may fail and bring the rest of the economy down with them
appeal to fear
Red Herrings
Typically this term refers to a rhetorical strategy where the speaker attacks the character, motive, or some other attribute of the person making an argument rather than attacking the substance of the argument itself.
ad hominem
The art and science of reasoning
How can Senator Bruce support this bill against shoplifting? He’s been caught shoplifting himself.
Tu Quoque
My client admits to committing this crime. However he has cancer and has only a year to live. I think it would be cruel to make a man go to prison when he is in such great pain.
appeal to pity
Of course leprechauns exist. Can you prove they don't exist? Since you can't prove they don't exist you should stop criticizing me for my conviction that they do!
Appeal to Ignorance
An appeal to the mere age of a belief, practice, or thing as evidence that it is correct or preferable.
Chronological snobbery
These are the three main principles that informal fallacies will violate
Relevance, Presumption, Clarity
An informal fallacy which uses arguments that attempt to avoid the issue by insulting the opponent with abusive language.
Ad hominem abusive
The movie has been a box office smash and everyone love it! We should go see it tonight!
Mob Appeal
Linda's mom won't let her get her ears pierced. Her mom won't let Linda grow up, she wants to control her every move.
An argument that judges something on the basis of a goal that it was never intended to achieve.
Irrelevant goals or functions
A commonly recognized bad argument failing to meet the requirements of relevance, clarity, or presumption
Why should I give weight to your arguments for legal reform? You're a lawyer and probably stand to benefit from such reforms.
Ad hominem circumstantial
Buy gold now and invest in your future. Many experts agree that this may be the best time to buy gold in decades.
Appeal to Illegitimate Authority
You can't boil water in the new helmets! They are really poorly designed.
Irrelevant Goals or Functions
The thing or idea being argued is discounted solely because of its origin.
Genetic fallacy
The art of convincing others.
You heard that argument for preventing illegal immigration on Fox News last night didn't you? Why should we give your argument a hearing when it comes from that biased network?
Genetic Fallacy
Our school starts training students to speak French in the first grade, since speaking French distinguishes one as an exceptionally well-educated individual.
Snob Appeal
Safe and warm housing is a necessity for human life. The City of Harrisburg should provide housing for any citizen in need.
Irrelevant Thesis
An argument that presents a caricatured, inaccurate, or exaggerated version of an opponent's position.
Strawman fallacy
Part-to-whole reasoning used to determine the validity of an informal argument by starting with evidence that can be observed and compiled and works toward generalizations.
Inductive reasoning