The entry code is __________ to be known only by the security guard.
The entry code is SUPPOSED to be known only by the security guard.
The novel is gripping, _______ long.
The novel is gripping, ALBEIT long.
I ____________ you never write to her.
I BET you never write to her.
Always dispatch vital documents by registered mail ........................................ they go astray and you need to trace them.
Always dispatch vital documents by registered mail IN CASE they go astray and you need to trace them.
I __________ if we'll meet again.
I DOUBT if we'll meet again.
We __________ not go in until the forensic team has finished.
We HAD BETTER not go in until the forensic team has finished.
Talented THOUGH she is, she has not yet managed to write a successful novel.
Talented _______ she is, she has not yet managed to write a successful novel.
I _____________ that he could do the job.
I DON'T DOUBT that he could do the job.
The company took up both references ........................................ satisfy themselves that he was the right man for the new position.
The company took up both references IN ORDER TO satisfy themselves that he was the right man for the new position.
The company took up both references SO AS TO satisfy themselves that he was the right man for the new position.
She's ___________________ to have survived the earthquake.
She's HIGHLY UNLIKELY to have survived the earthquake.
Given her dedication, she is ___________ to excel in her new role.
Given her dedication, she is LIKELY to excel in her new role.
_______ being an avid reader, he has poor writing.
IN SPITE OF being an avid reader, he has poor writing.
There will almost _______________ be some teething troubles initially.
There will almost CERTAINLY be some teething troubles initially.
There will almost INEVITABLY be some teething troubles initially.
It is worth allowing extra time if travelling on public transport ........................................ you won't be in a rush at the other end.
It is worth allowing extra time if travelling on public transport SO THAT you won't be in a rush at the other end.
There's _____________ that the exchange rate will improve.
There's (VERY) LITTLE LIKELIHOOD that the exchange rate will improve.
There's NO CHANCE that the exchange rate will improve.
I _______________ walk through fire than betray my principles.
I WOULD SOONER walk through fire than betray my principles.
I WOULD RATHER walk through fire than betray my principles.
_______ she has a wonderful turn of phrase, she finds it impossible to write good fiction.
EVEN THOUGH she has a wonderful turn of phrase, she finds it impossible to write good fiction.
She's in ____________ doubt as to the identity of the murderer.
She's in NO doubt as to the identity of the murderer.
She's in LITTLE doubt as to the identity of the murderer.
I used to commute into the office at the crack of dawn ........................................ have to travel in overcrowded trains.
I used to commute into the office at the crack of dawn IN ORDER NOT TO have to travel in overcrowded trains.
I used to commute into the office at the crack of dawn SO AS NOT TO have to travel in overcrowded trains.
___________ on her coming first.
I WOULDN'T BET on her coming first.
From the evidence found, it __________ that it was carefully planned.
From the evidence found, it FOLLOWS that it was carefully planned.
_______ novels can range from 100 to 1,000 pages, short stories must conform to far stricter length.
WHEREAS novels can range from 100 to 1,000 pages, short stories must conform to far stricter length.
The _________ are she will reject him.
The ODDS are she will reject him.
The CHANCES are she will reject him.
Ambrose Greene checked everything at least three times ........................................ he should fail to notice an error.
Ambrose Greene checked everything at least three times LEST he should fail to notice an error.
Ambrose Greene checked everything at least three times FOR FEAR THAT he should fail to notice an error.
________________ as to their chances of survival.
HOPES ARE FADING as to their chances of survival.
FEARS ARE GROWING as to their chances of survival.