What are the 2 different types of metamorphosis?
What is complete and incomplete metamorphosis?
How many stages of life does and animal go through?
What is 4 stages?
first stage of a plants life Cycle?
What is a seed/acorn
Traits that we are born with are called
What is inherited traits
What do plants need in order to grow?
What is water,sunlight,soil
Metamorphosis is a change that takes place in what living thing?
What is an insect?
second stage of life an animal cycle
What is an infant
second stage of a plants life cycle?
What is a sprout
Traits we learn as we get older are called?
What is Acquired traits
List at least 3 influences from the environment
What is Food, water, space, sunlight, climate, camouflage, nutrients, etc
An incomplete metamorphosis has how many stages?
What is 3 stages
third stage of life of an animal cycle
What is a juvenile
third stage of a plants life cycle?
What is a sapling
Reading is an example of a _________ Trait.
What is Acquired
What may happen to a plant if it doesn't receive enough water?
What is the plant will dry up/ die
How many stages does a complete metamorphosis have?
What is 4 stages
last stage of animal life cycle
What is adult
Fourth stage of a plants life cycle?
What is a Mature plant
Eye color is an example of an _________ trait
What is Inherited
Why wouldn't a polar bear live long in the hot dessert?
What is polar bears need to be cold/winter/environment
Name the 4 stages of a complete metamorphosis?
What is a egg,larva,pupa, and adult
What are the 2 ways animals start life?
What is egg or mothers belly
Name at least 2 ways seeds travel around the world?
What are Water,Animals,and Wind
Where do people and animals get there Inherited traits from
What is Parents
What would be a result of if trees being planted too closely to one another
What is the tree wont grow