Mendelian Genetics
DNA Replication and Protein Synthesis
Modes of inheritance
Meiosis produces four _____?______ cells.
What is haploid?
This is the genotype for a carrier.
What is Hh?
This is the direction with which DNA Polymerase adds nucleotides to a growing strand of newly formed DNA.
What is 5' to 3'?
This mode of inheritance is shown when the heterozygous is a MIX of the two homozygous phenotypes.
What is incomplete dominance?
This many nucleotides added to a transcript causes the LEAST amount of damage when it is used to create a protein.
What is 3?
The homologous pairs do this during prophase I, to create new combinations of alleles.
What is cross over?
The parent generation are both pure-breeds, one for the dominant and one for the recessive trait. The offspring of the F1 generation are crossed. This is the ratio of probable genotypic outcomes of the F2 generation.
What is 1HH : 2Hh : 1hh?
This is the reason okazaki fragments exist.
What is because the lagging strand exposes the new strand of DNA in the 5' direction?
Achondroplasia, or dwarfism, is a disease caused by a single dominant allele. The homozygous condition is lethal, and the heterozygous condition causes dwarfism. Peter Dinklage, actor who plays Tyrion Lannister on “Game of Thrones,” has this disease. His wife does NOT have this disease. This is the likelihood that their children will have this disease.
What is 50%?
This process is used to transform a recombinant plasmid into a bacterium, in order to genetically alter the bacterium to make proteins that you want it to make.
What is heat shock?
Because each tetrad can line up along the metaphase plate in two different ways, this event causes variation in how the homologous pair is split during Anaphase I.
What is independent assortment?
If the outcomes for genotype ratios were not as expected based on the rules of normal mendelian genetics, you would conclude that the genes have this relationship.
What is they are linked?
These are the molecules that carry amino acids to the ribosome, so that they can be added to the newly formed polypeptide.
What are tRNA molecules?
A man with type A blood has a father with type B and mother with type A blood. He marries a type B blood woman whose parents have the same blood types as his parent’s. This is the probability that their first child will be type O blood.
What is 25%?
This process allows bacteria to naturally pass DNA to other bacteria, through a joining extension called a pillus.
What is conjugation?
This is the main goal of sexual reproduction, as opposed to asexual reproduction.
What is to create variation?
A poker-dealing machine is supposed to deal cards at random, as if from an infinite deck. In a test, you counted 1600 cards, and observed the following: Spades 404 Hearts 420 Diamonds 400 Clubs 376 Use a chi-square test to determine whether or not the cards are fairly assorted into the 4 different suits.
What is YES - they are fair???
This process allows one gene to create multiple polypeptides, depending on which segments of the RNA are spliced together.
What is alternate splicing?
The gene for colorblindness is carried on the X chromosome and is recessive. A man, whose mother was colorblind, has a colorblind daughter. This is his genotype.
What is his XrY?
This process, where a mishap occurs in meiosis, can lead to cases of aneuploidy, such as Down's Syndrome or Turner's Syndrome.
What is nondisjunction?
Meiosis differs between males and females in this way.
What is that females produce 1 egg and 3 polar bodies, where males produce 4 sperm?
In summer squash, white fruit color (W) is dominant over yellow fruit color (w) and disk-shaped fruit (D) is dominant over sphere-shaped fruit (d). If a squash plant true-breeding for white, disk-shaped fruit is crossed with a plant that is a carrier of yellow fruit color and has sphere-shaped fruit, this is the genotypic ratio for the potential offspring.
What is 1WWDd : 1WwDd?
This allows peptide bonds to form, in order for the polypeptide to be built.
What is the catalytic RNA in a ribosome?
If an AB+ (homozygous for RH factor) female and an O- male have children, what kind of blood types are possible for the offspring?
What are A+ and B+?
This molecule can turn on an operon in a prokaryotic cell, allowing for gene expression to occur.
What is an inducer?