Is the following trait inherited or learned?
What does Inherited mean?
To inherit, means to be passed down from a parent to its offspring.
What is another word for offspring?
Is the following trait inherited or learned?
-Left/Right Handed
What does a "learned behavior" mean?
A learned behavior is acquired through experience or by "being taught" a skill.
What is the difference between an inherited trait versus a learned behavior?
A learned behavior is taught whereas an inherited trait is something you are born with/knowing.
Is the following trait inherited or learned?
What is a trait?
A trait is a characteristic that has been passed down or inherited.
Name 3 Inherited Traits.
-Blonde Hair
-Curly Hair
-Large Ears
Is the following trait inherited or learned?
- Winking
What is a behavior?
A behavior is a response to a situation or stimuli.
Name 3 Learned Behaviors.
- Walking
- Reading
- Winking
- Rolling Eyes