more commonly known as the lower back, consists of five vertebrae labeled L1 through L5.
The Lumbar
Otherwise known as the thigh bone
The Femur
What is Pes Planus
Flat Feet
the bone that connects the clavicle to the humerus.
The Scapula
How many Phalanges are there on each finger
bars of hyaline cartilage that serve to prolong the ribs forward and contribute to the elasticity of the walls of the thorax
Costal Cartilage
connects the femur to the tibia.
What's the opposite of Pes Planus
Pes Cavus/High Arch
formed by the cap of the shoulder and the collar bone.
The Acromioclavicular Joint
the articulations between the individual carpal bones.
The Intercarpal
True Or False: The True Ribs are the first 7 ribs in your ribcage
a crescent-shaped, cartilaginous band found between the medial tibia and medial femur.
Medial Miniscus
A hyperextension of the metacarpophaleangeal joint
Turf Toe
Other than the bones in your leg, it's the longest bone in your body.
The Humerus
the thicker and shorter of the two bones in the human forearm
superficial extrinsic muscles of the back that primarily function to elevate the scapulae.
Levator Scapulae
The semitendinosus, semimembranosus, and biceps femoris muscles comprise what muscle group?
The Hamstring
a ball of foot pain, a heavy callus forms under the 2nd and third MP
the subscapularis, teres minor, supraspinatus, and infraspinatus. Together they assist in stabilizing the shoulder joint as well as in performing various arm movements.
The Rotator Cuff
a triangular-shaped bone that forms part of the distal carpal row
The Hamate
this disc allows movement between adjacent vertebral bodies, to absorb shock, and to transmit loads through the vertebral column.
Intervertbral Disc
located on the outer side of the knee, helps act as shock absorbers between the femur and the tibia.
Lateral Miniscus
Severe inversion with plantar flexion or severe dorsiflexion
Talus Fx
its base (or origin) attaches to the spine of the scapula and lateral third of the clavicle. This U-shaped origin point mirrors the insertion point for the trapezius muscle.
The Deltoid
one of the two forearm long bones that, in conjunction with the radius, make up the antebrachium.
The Ulna