Emergency Scene Management
Athletic Therapists & EAP's
General Injury Management
Intro to Taping, Wrapping & Tensoring
Skin Wounds

Which of the following are NOT symptoms of shock? 

a) Super hot 

b) Restlessness

c) Disoriented 

d) Thirsty

What is a) Super hot. 


Athletic Therapists are responsible for what six major areas? 

What is:

1. Injury Prevention and Risk Management

2. Recognition, evaluation, assessment of injuries

3. Immediate care of injuries

4. Treatment, rehabilitation and reconditioning of     athletic injuries

5. Health care administration

6. Professional Development and Responsibility


What differentiates a serious injury? 

What is head trauma. 


What are the three circumstances that allow for a tape job? 

What is:

1. Acute Injury Management 

2. Injury Prevention

3. Return to Activity 


How should partake in general wound care?

What is take measures to reduce infection

- Gloves

- Clean with saline

- Monitor wound 


When inspecting the injured patron and cross checking limbs, the first responder comes across a dislocation. This is also known as a ______________. 

What is a Deformity. 


Name four personal factors that increase the possibility of injury? 

What is: 

Overweight, Poor Physical Condition, Poor skills/ technique, Lack coordination, Previous Injuries, Lack of flexibility... 


How can the Inflammatory Phase be identified? 

What is SHARP (Swelling, Heat, Altered Function, Redness, Pain). 


How is tape removed for ankle tape job? 

What is with a shark cutter, down medial malleolus, towards first metatarsal.  


How do you treat a severe laceration? 

What is:

- Activating EMS

- Cover wound, sterilize gauze, maintain pressure

- Elevate above the heart

- Monitor athlete closely and revert to primary assessment if necessary 


Name a circumstance that warrants the use of recovery position? 

What is:

No suspected head / spinal injury but LESS than fully conscious 


The personnel information section on an EAP includes info on what three personnel? 

What is the:

Charge person, Call person & Control person


Describe the appearance of a fractured humerus after 6 months post injury?

What is close to full repair of the bone structure.


What are six scenarios that you would NOT tape? 

What is:

1. Further assessment required

2. After acute injury has occured in order to keep playing 

3. If there is a functional disability 

4. Swelling present 

5. After cold application

6. Pre-Puberty 


What would irritate a blister?

What is:

- Heat 

- Shoes that are too big



If a first aider notices a dislodged piece of fruit in the back of the patient's throat, they are most likely performing which specific ESM subcategory? 

What is checking the Airway. 


What is the difference between Heat Exhaustion and Heat Stroke? 

What is a fever, disorientation and hallucinations. 


What are three types of bone architectural abnormalities? 

What is:

Uneven leg length 

Excessive Pronation

Cavus Feet 

Bow Legged / Knock kneed


Name for consideration for Taping?

- I am familiar with the athlete’s condition

- I am familiar with the severity of the injury

- I am familiar with the stage of healing of the injury

- I understand the physical requirements of the sport/activity

- Taping is appropriate for this injury

- I know which structures must be supported by tape

- I know the position that will best support the underlying structures

- I know the normal movement pattern and the motion of the involved muscle fibres

- I have protected other areas that are likely to be irritated by the tape

- I have the appropriate materials for the taping technique

- I know how to perform the taping technique very well.


What is the difference between a abrasion and a laceration? 

What is: 

An abrasion is a scrape and a laceration is a deep cut.


Throughout the Secondary Survey, the first aider notices a crunching and grinding close to the subtalar joint. This condition is called?

What is Crepitus.


What are the three principles Good Samaritan's must follow?

What is:

Identify yourself as a first aider & get consent 

Avoid Negligence 

Do not abandon the person


Least severe type of bleed?

What is a Capillary bleed.


How do you assess an athlete after a tape job? 

What is:

- Check for shadows, wrinkles, windows, 

- Check for Circulation

- Ask athlete to describe comfort level 

- ROM, functional movement 


What is the protocol for for a patient who develops an infection? 

What is seek immediate medical attention.
