How many bones does the body have?
What area of the body has the most injuries in dancers?
The lower body
What does RICE stand for?
Rest, Ice, Compress, Elevate
Why is warming up important?
Jumping into movement can cause the pulling or straining of muscles and ligaments.
What bones can we see?
What is the biggest bone in the human body?
The Femur
What is a sprain?
Stretching or tearing of ligaments
What is something you should not do when recovering from an injury?
What is Epsom Salt?
Epsom Salt is a mineral that helps with muscle relaxation that can help with recovering from injuries.
Why is feeling pain important?
It keeps us safe and allows us to take care of our bodies.
What is the Coccyx Bone?
The very end of the tailbone
What is tendonitis?
Inflammation of the tendon that connects muscle to bone
Not necessarily. Serious injuries can have after effects that can reappear when dancing or moving
Why is cross-training important for dancers?
Cross-training can strengthen other parts of the body to keep muscles strong. It moves the body in a different way that can be beneficial.
What is the difference between tendons and ligaments?
Ligaments connect bone to bone, tendons connect bone to muscle
What is a stress fracture?
A hairline crack on a bone
What is physical therapy?
A way to recover from an injury that promotes strength building, flexibility, and mobility. This is a great way to safely recover from injuries
Repetition, Stress, Nutrition, Pointe Shoes, Expectations
Where are blood cells made?
In the bone marrow
What is the name of the substance between the bones of your knee?
What age do most injuries happen in dancers?
What are some exercises that you can do while recovering?
Very small movements, focusing on mobility of the area (especially if it is a joint).
Why is sleep important?
Sleep allows the body to rest and relax. Without rest, you enter into a high-stress mode.
Name a muscle that moves without us thinking.
Heart, stomach.