Is Mercury smaller or bigger than Earth?
Mercury is smaller than half the size of Earth!
What number planet is Venus in the solar system?
What number planet is earth in the solar system?
What number planet is Mars in the solar system?
information collected that can be used to support explanations
How does sun change in the night sky on Mercury during aphelion and perihelion?
Perihelion look larger in the sky, aphelion looks smaller.
Venus is name after the roman god of?
Beauty, Love
How long is year on earth is earth days?
Mars contain the largest mountain called?
Olympus Montes
a planet that has a hard rocky surface
terrestrial planet
What is Mercury's surface covered with?
What is most prominent on Venus' surface?
What on earth allows for living organisms?
Liquid Water
What did scientists discover in 2015 happens on the surface of Mars intermittently?
Liquid water flows
Double Points
How are solar systems formed?
Nebula Cloud
Does Mercury have a magnetic field? If so why, If not why
No Because Mercury lacks convection currents in mantle.
Why does Venus have such high temperature?
Greenhouse gases in atmosphere.
How long is day on earth in earth days?
24 hours
Why is Mars the red planet?
Oxidized Iron Surface
the average distance at which the earth revolves around the sun
orbital radius
Why is Mercury not the hottest planet?
Mercury doesn't have any atmosphere, so the heat from the sun goes right back into space
Why can you not see the surface of Venus with an ordinary telescope?
It is covered with thick clouds and acid atmosphere.
How does the size of earth compare to the rest of the terrestrial planets?
It's the largest
Double Points
What is located beyond Mars?
The asteroid belt
Distance from Earth to the Sun is considered..
Astronomical Unit