That Makes Sense
Use this, Not that!
I can use this tomorrow!
Fun Times
I've Got This!
it should be driven by your instructions, not used to drive your instructions
What is technology?
use this (with your own customized Avatar) to give oral instructions or spelling tests when you can't be there
What is a Voki?
use this to keep time and keep yourself on track...(then you won't have to worry about your iPhone or android phone getting cracked on broken if it falls off of your desk) Phew!
What is an online timer?
this popular app can be used in your classroom during math instruction to teach a variety of concepts, such as probability
What is "Angry Birds"?
if you don't have a one-to-one laptop initiative for your school, most middle and high school students come to school with one of these that can be used just as effectively in their pockets
What is a cellphone?
students bring them to class and use them when you are not why not make them a part of your lesson plan design
What are cellphones?
instead of writing notes on paper, you and your students can use this and be tech savvy
What is Penzu or Evernote?
use this to get immediate feedback from your audience
some people frown upon the use of these in the classroom because students appear to be having more "fun" than learning
What is video games or "gaming"?
this group will come to your aid if you need help using a new technology, they can even boost your confidence
What is your colleagues and/or students?
if you start using a new technology and it does not work as you hoped that it would this is what you should do
What is don't give up and try again or try something else new! Don't panic!
instead of a stopwatch (that you may forget to set), use this
What is an online timer?
an online database created by Sonya and Erika to have resources for you to use a on a daily basis
What is the Beginning Teachers Resources Wiki?
allow students to bring these to class if you don't have a class set...don't fret, students as young as Kindergarten have their own personal ones! ...parents might even support you if you can assure them that they will be kept safe and return home each night...
What are iPads, android tablets, or Kindles?
this group will be excited to try out any new technologies that you show them...they may have even heard of them
Who are your students?
this can help you get feedback from parents and can also be a platform for students to express may already have one that you use (i.e., Wordpress)
What is a blog?
instead of using the traditional powerpoint, use this to bring your presentation to life!
What is a Prezi?
use these codes to send messages to your students and parents
What are QR codes?
students can actually create their own...just ask the self-made 17 year old millionaire that just sold his to Yahoo for millions of dollars...yep, he summed it up! (hint, hint)
What are apps?
Bill Gates' company designed this fun program for teachers (Microsoft users) so that students could give anonymous feedback using the multiple mice that you already have attached to your classroom computers (though laptops don't have them)
What is Microsoft Mouse Mischief?
use this in a responsible way (professionally and personally)...remember it can be monitored at anytime by parents or administration...don't want to lose your job over this!
What is social media?
instead of an overhead projector, this is more effective because you don't need Vis-a-Vis can even write a grant to get one!
What is a Elmo or document reader?
it is found on the Beginning Teachers Resources Wiki and will be very helpful when you return to your classroom
What is the toolkit section?
this group will be supportive of your using gaming in your classroom as long as the purpose is clear and evident...remember we must keep our instructional goals in mind
Who is the administration?
you must have this whenever trying any new technologies in your classroom...because sometimes things do not go as we often plan
What is patience?