Chapter 12: Authorization
The second sign rule determines that a resident needs a cosign on a particular order. The resident enters that order with an order mode of “per protocol.” System Definitions is set up so that “per protocol” orders don’t require a cosign. Will this order need to be cosigned?
No. The cosign requirements that the second sign rule makes only apply if the order mode is STANDARD. For any other order mode, the settings at System Definitions take priority. Since System Defs says that “per protocol” orders don’t require a cosign, this order will NOT need one.
Users will never be able to access the Database Look up tab; only allowed to search the available Preference lists
What is Disable Database Search? Which is located on Database and Preference List Search Screen< #1 Disable Data Base Search
Items that make up the Summary Sentence; contains the most important details of the order.
What is Summary Items?
This item will always display, even if it is not listed as a display item.
What is a required item?
Once this BestPractice Advisory record has been chosen, it cannot be changed.
What is a Record Type?
In Second Sign Rule: Prevent, Require Second Sign & Require Cosign are set.
What kind of Directives are "SET" in a Second Sign Rule?
These buttons are set in the question record, within the Question master file.
What are buttons for questions?
In Order Set Build, if this box is checked then the SmartGroup will show up with its own display name instead of the name of the merge type.
What is the "Do not allow SmartGroup to be merged" check box?
In the context of Frequencies: Procedure Order, Medication Orders, Care Plan Interventions & Work List.
Where are the main 4 places frequencies are used?
Can be set in any of the 4 types of the frequencies; it is not a type of frequency by itself
What is PRN?
This is the first step in how Epic determines Level of authorization.
Does the user have the correct EpicCare Security points to sign this type of order?
Destination Maps use these two search methods: where a patient is bedded & workstation, where the order is entered.
What is patient and local search methods?
Must have a Functional Type of "MR Orders".
What is are SmartTexts used in Comments section?
Preference List for users who do not log into the same departments, will see the orders they need no matter where they are working
What is a Security Class Profile Preference List?
In the procedure or procedure category record on the Order Specific Questions Screen, set Disp? field to "Answer" for attached questions to make what change to the order name.
What is dynamic order display name?
This order is released & will be acted upon, simply needs a retroactive review This order is NOT released, & needs a proactive review before the order is released & acted upon
What is an order that needs a Cosign & an order that needs a Second Sign?
Refers to items that are listed down the far left side of the Order Composer; frequency, comments, priority.
What is Display Items?
These are the ONLY orders that have Parent & Child Orders.
What are Procedure Orders? Medication Orders are stored as a new Contact within the ORD Record
Controls whether a question gets a Stop Sign or Yield Sign in Question Record.
What is Advised field?
In Order Set Build Context: A record created in the SmartSet Editor that contains a list of merge types.
What is a merge template?
True or False: Only one second sign rule can apply to a User at a time.
Refers to the stop signs & yield signs that may appear in the Order Composer.
What is Item Control?
This where you make an Advised Question a Hard Stop.
Where the Profile?
In Order Set build, this is ONLY for Medications.
What is Panel Info?
These frequencies are based on the Patient's department, not the provider's current login department.
What are Override Frequencies?