What do you need to wear everyday when coming onto campus, walking on campus, and in the classroom?
A mask
What time is Lunch?
When the next class period starts who is changing classes?
The teachers will change classes.
What time is dismissal?
2:50 pm
By the door next to the books
When you enter the campus what are two things you need to take and bring to the classroom?
Breakfast and snack bag
When walking to the cafeteria how far apart do you need to be?
3 feet apart
How many weeks will I accept late work?
1 week.
What 7th grade teachers will be helping at the Bus Bay?
Mrs. Dallas and Mr. Hart
What will I do if you are being disruptive or disrespectful?
I will pull you aside and go through the questions
What is one thing you cannot wear on campus?
A turtle neck mask
How many people will walk into the cafeteria to grab your lunch?
Two people at a time
What do the students who are online need to do if they have a question or need my help?
Unmute yourself or click the raise hand button
What will you do if you have younger siblings?
You will go to their gate and let the staff know who you are picking up.
What do you need to do if I have you go to the cool down area?
Log into Rhythm
What is one question you are asked before you enter the classroom?
Name one thing from the poster outside-do you feel nauseated? Do you have diarrhea?
Where will you go to eat lunch?
North Field
How many class period will you have daily?
3 class periods
Where will you line up if you are a bus rider?
If you continue to be disruptive or disrespectful what will happen next?
You will be sent to the RTC/ISD room
What are four things you do after you enter the classroom?
Wash your hands, take off your mask, eat your breakfast, and throw away your trash
How many feet apart can you be to not have to wear a mask?
6 feet apart
What will you do on Wednesdays?
You will sign into homeroom for attendance. You will work on your own on your assignments. If you need help with your other assignments or want to visit your other teachers you can join their office hours.
What do the parents need to have and where does it need to be when picking up their child?
Car pick card in the window.
What is one of the questions you are asked when I pull you aside and ask you the questions?
Name one of the 5 questions.