By the late 1950s, American ethnomusicology was divided into two camps; those with musicological backgrounds, led by (identify this ethnomusicologist) at UCLA, while those with anthropological training, were led by Alan Merriam at University of Illinois Champaign-Urbana. (Identify this ethnomusicologist) gathered at the UCLA Institute of Ethnomusicology a distinguished circle of foreign musician-teachers including José Maceda (Philipines), Kwabena Nketia (Ghana), and Hardja Susilo (Java). Beginning in 1960, this program offered instruction in Javanese, Persian, Japanese, Mexican, Indian, Balinese, Greek, and African musics. Ethnomusicology graduates from UCLA found jobs in major American universities and (identify this ethnomusicology) was one of the first to proclaim ethnomusicology to be the study of any and all musics.
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