M'Naghten Rule
States and their test to determine Insanity.
Insanity under Federal Law.
Diminished Capacity

The first person to plead insanity 

Who is Daniel M'Naghten?


Which is the only state to use the Durham rule?

Where is New Hampshire?


The act passed that caused major revisions in the federal insanity defense. (Full name)

When was the Insanity Defense Reform Act (IDRA) passed?


Main problem with Diminished Capacity.

Does Diminished Capacity allow a defense to get away with Felonies.


The M'Naghten rule states...

If a person was going through a mental illness at the time of committing said crime then a person can plead insane.


The states that use both the M'Naghten rule and irresistible impulse

Which 4 states use both the M'Naghten rule and irresitible impulse?


The year the IDRA was passed .

Was the Insanity Defense Reform Act passed in 1984?


"The defendant, although convicted, has significantly impaired ability to; 




Is the defendant unable to Understand the wrongfulness of the behavior comprising the offense or to exercise the power of reason?


Is the defendant unable to control behavior that the defendant knows is wrongful?


What century was the M'Naghten rule created in?

When was the 19th century?

The amount of states that only use the M'Naghten rule

Do only 18 states use the M'Naghten rule?


The person responsible in proving the defendant's insanity.

Is the defendant squarely responsible in proving their insanity?


Double Jeopardy

A big similarity between Diminished Capacity defense and Insanity defense. 

Does Diminished Capacity required the defendant to prove his/her mental state was impaired at the time of crime, similar to a Insanity defense?


What was profession of the first person that pled insanity?

What is a woodworker?


Double Jeopardy

The amount of states that only use the Model Penal code to determine insanity.

Do twenty states use the Model Penal code to determine insanity?

The ruling that was held after the Ake v. Oklahoma (1985).

Is the Government required to provide access to a competent psychiatrist when a defendant indicates the usage of insanity in a trial?


A big difference between Diminished Capacity defense from the Insanity defense.

Can you be convicted for a lesser defense and not be commissioned to a mental institution if found not guilty due to having an impaired mental capacity to form the mens rea for a specific crime under the Diminished Capacity defense?


The city the first person to commit insanity was from. 

Where is the city of Glasgow?


The states that do not allow the insanity defense.

Do Idaho, Montana, Utah, and Kansas not allow the insanity defense?


A patient must be _____ ___ ________ the nature and quality or the _____________ of his actions to be considered insane by federal law.

Does a patient need to be unable to appreciate the nature and quality or wrongfulness of his actions to be considered insane by federal law.


When the meaning of Diminished Capacity was issued by the U.S. Sentencing Commission.

Was 2003 the year the U.S. Sentencing Commission issued the meaning of Diminished Capacity.
