Where do fish live?
The ocean
What do birds use to fly?
How many legs does an insect have?
How many seasons are there?
Name an idiom that means you see well. (hint: bird name)
What do fish use to breathe?
What do birds use to change direction while flying?
Name an arachnid.
Spider, scorpion or tick
Are the nights longer in winter or summer?
How many species of insects are in the world?
a. 106,000
b. 531,000
c. 925,000
925,000. Did you know that 80% of all species on Earth are insects?
I live in the Amazon. I have sharp teeth. I am a carnivore.
Where do birds go in the winter?
Warmer places
I am the most dangerous insect on the planet.
How long does it take the Earth to go around the sun?
365 days or a year
Can sharks swim backward?
No, water enters their gills if they swim backward.
I am a bird that lives in the desert. I am a scavenger. I am a carnivore.
What insect rubs its legs together to make a nighttime sound.
a cricket or grasshopper
When do we eat pumpkins?
Fall or Autumn
This is a whale with two names.
An orca/ killer whale
What type of fish has the most dangerous sting?
box jellyfish
I come and at night and ask a question.
What insect is religious?
Praying Mantis
March, April and May are all in this season.
An octopus has these on its tentacles.
Suction cups