What is an Insect?
State an ecosystem your bug can live in.
Forest, wetland, Prairie, etc.
What is an adaptation?
Physical or behavioral trait that helps bugs survive.
What is a Colony?
A group of insects living and working together.
What is the Queen's Job in a colony?
To lay eggs
What is an Arachnid?
What do Butterflies and Bees both eat?
What is a skeleton on the outside of the body called?
What is social insect?
insects that live in groups.
What do spiders do when they want to mate?
They tap/ dance on the ground
Name the 2 body parts a spider has.
Abdomen & Cephalothorax
All surroundings where an animal lives is called?
Name the 3 mouth parts our bugs have. (Hint: Bee & Butterfly are the same)
Fangs, Proboscis, & Mandibles
What is a solitary bug?
A bug that lives alone
What do Workers do in a colony?
Clean, gather food, take care of young, protect it.
Name the 3 body parts an insect has.
Antenna, Thorax, Abdomen
What is an Ecosystem?
plants, animals, and the environment working together
What is Camouflage?
Colors the blend in the background to help the bug hide.
What are the 3 jobs in a colony?
Worker, Drone, Queen
State the difference between Prey and Predator. (What is prey? What is a Predator?)
Prey- eaten by other animals
Predator- hunts other animals
What is Classification?
Sorting things based on things they share.
Bee- Hive
Ant- Nest
Spider - Web
Butterfly- tree/ under leaf/ flower
What is Mimicry?
Looks like another dangerous bug, but isn't dangerous
What is Migration?
A long journey to a new home
State the 4 stages of a Butterfly's life cycle
Egg, Caterpillar, chrysalis, Butterfly