What are the thorax, abdomen, and head?
The three main body parts of insects.
What do herbivores eat?
What is plants?
Mosquitoes have what type of eating mouth parts?
What is piercing and sucking?
Praying mantis are green like the leaves they live on. This is called
What is blending?
What is usually the largest part of an insect?
What is its abdomen?
Why are insect legs bendable?
They are jointed.
Insectivores eat what type of food?
They eat other insects.
Praying mantis and other insect eating insects need what type of eating mouth parts?
What are chewing mouth parts.
Walking sticks are insects that look like twigs. This is called
What is disguise?
Where on an insect's body is its antennae found?
What is its head?
What is chitin?
The hard exoskeleton of insects.
Insects that live on or in other organisms and cause them harm?
What are parasites?
Many flies are one example of insect that laps up food using what type of mouth parts?
What is sponging?
Ladybird beetles look like ladybugs which can be toxic. What is this an example of?
What is mimicry?
What is entomology?
What is the study of bugs?
How many legs do all insects have?
They all have 6.
What are animals that hunt and kill their food called?
What are predators?
Butterflies need to reach deeply into floors to get their food. What type of mouth parts do they have?
What is siphoning?
Moths that can blend into a tree's bark as a result of their coloring use what strategy?
What is blending?
Dichotomous means divided into
What is two parts.
Where in an insect are mandibles found?
What is the mouth.
What type of food do saprophages eat?
What is dead plant or animal material?
All insects have their mouth parts in which main part of their body?
What is the head?
Katydids look like leaves. This strategy to hide from predators are using
What is disguise?
What type of body part is an elytra?
What is a wing?