Study of insects
What is Entomology
Identification by this structure that can help insects cover great distances
What are wings?
Major body part that houses the mouthparts
What is the head?
hard outer shell
What is exoskeleton?
What was candy corn originally called?
What is chicken feed?
Organism that feeds off of both plant and animal matter
What is an omnivore?
Identification portion that includes digging and pollen carrying
What are legs?
Main sensory structure for insects?
What are antennae?
this type of appendages
what is jointed?
Which US state produces the most pumpkins
What is Illinois?
Process of egg, nymph, and adult
What is incomplete metamorphosis?
Identification based on this sensory structure
What are antannae?
Portion of body where legs and wings of insects connect
What is the thorax?
What is the abdomen?
Place that Hocus Pocus filmed
What is Salem, Massachusetts?
Butterflies undergo this process
What is complete metamorphosis?
Identification portion based on sponging and siphoning
What is mouthpart?
Mouthparts of biting insects are termed
What are mandibles?
Subgroup that includes sowbugs, lobsters, and crabs
What is crustacean?
Where does the phrase "double, double, toil, and trouble" come from
What is Macbeth?
This spider is a genius
What is the portia spider?
November 8th
Portion of the body that is found in arachnids but not insects
What is cephalothorax?
Subgroup that includes scorpions and mites
What is Arachnid?
Location of Transylvania? (Home of Dracula)
What is Romania?