The number of body parts of an insect
What is three?
Butterflies go through one of these cycles during their lifetime.
What is complete metamorphosis or incomplete metamorphosis?
Insects use their wings to do this.
What is fly?
grasshoppers have two sets of the set to help the jump.
What are wings?
Insects have different adaptations to help them do this.
What is survive?
The number of legs an insect has
What is six?
Before I begin metamorphosis, I am this worm like creature.
What is a caterpillar?
Some insects can bite or _________?
What is sting?
The outer wings are ___.
What is hard (or red).
Two ways that Spiders eat their prey
What is Sting them with a stinger and use their webs to catch their food.
Name the three sections of an insect's body.
What is head, thorax and abdomen?
Butterflies rely on this as their primary source of food.
What is an all liquid diet?
Insects do a lot of this during the larva stage.
What is eat?
Grasshoppers eat ____.
grass, leaves , and plants
Insects can blend in with trees.
What is camouflage?
Insects have these to sense and feel the world.
What is antennae?
These are the stages of complete metamorphosis.
What is egg, larva, pupa, adult?
Insects do this during the pupa stage.
What is rest?
In the winter, ladybugs do this in the hollow of a tree or under a pile of leaves.
What is hibernate?
This insect dies after it protects itself.
What is a honeybee?
There are believed to be this many insect types in the world.
A. 2-5 million
B. 1-3 million
C. 6-10 million
What is 6-10 million?
Butterflies use these to taste.
What is their feet?
When insects shed their skin it is called this.
What is molting?
Ladybugs love to eat up to 5,000 of these in a lifetime.
What are aphids?
This insect has long back legs that it uses to leap.