what does tet mean
new year
where are they moving
what did the commander say
they escaped the bombs but missed the rescue ships
what does the daughter study
the dictonary
what is the name of part 5
from now on
what year is it
what did the duaghter promise
not to make fun of Bruce lee
what is the first rule
add an s to nouns to mean more than one
how does the daughter feel
on what page does the book end
page 260
what Is the name of the year
year of the cat
where did they live
what does the mother write down
what does the mom say to vu lee
what does the daughter call the bully kid
pink boy
what does the president talk about
winning the w.a.r
what is the name of the fathers best friend
uncle son
what do they have to choose
were to move
what is the 3rd rule
do not ad an s to certain nouns
what holiday do they celebrate
what day is tet
febuary 11
what did thousands find out about
the ships
seeing the cowboys wife
what does the duaghter wish
brohter khol wouldn't keep inside how he endures the hours in school
what are they theroizing
what happens to the father