Who is the main feeling on Inside Out (main character)?
What is the name of the little girl?
How many memory islands are there?
Who is Bing Bong?
Riley's imaginary friend
Who is the red character?
Sadness wears a white sweater
What is her favorite sport?
What is the first island to fall?
What kind of animal is Bing Bong?
Pink elephant mix
What color is disgust?
One of Riley's fears is her grandmother's mop
False-It's her vacuum
Where did the family move to?
San Francisco
Name 2 of the memory islands
Family, friendship, goofball, hockey, honesty
What belonging of Bing Bong's is thrown into the memory dump?
The control center in Riley's mind is called head camp
Where did the family move from?
What event caused Honesty Island to fall?
When Riley took her mom's credit card
Where does Bing Bong tell Joy to take Riley to before he fades?
The moon
Joy, Sadness, Anger, Disgust, Fear
Mr. Andersen was the coach for Riley's hockey team
When Riley and her mom went for pizza what only ingredient was on the pizza?
What was one of the new islands when Riley turns 12?
Fashion, Boyband or Tragic Vampire Romance
Who does Bing Bong escape from in the subconscious?
Jangles the Clown