The main character of this novel, who was born without arms.
Who is Aven Green?
This plant grows on a hill behind Stagecoach Pass.
What is a saguaro cactus?
Throughout the book, Aven uses this to share stories and vent frustrations.
What is her blog?
The name of the amusement park where Aven lives with her family.
Stagecoach Pass
Aven uses this body part for a variety of tasks that most people do with their hands.
What is feet?
Aven's best friend who has Tourette's syndrome
Aven plays this instrument at the festival.
What is the guitar?
Connor does not want to eat around people because he does this.
What is spits?
Aven's family lived here before moving to Arizona.
What is Kansas?
This is an uncontrollable word, sound, or movement that people with Tourette's display.
What is a tic?
Aven's best friend who eats lunch alone in the hallway
Who is Zion?
What tic is Connor doing when he and Aven first meet in the library?
What is barking?
These have been missing from Stagecoach Pass since 2004.
What are tarantulas?
Before befriending Connor and Zion, Aven would hide in here during lunch periods.
What is the bathroom?
At the end of the novel, Aven finally feels confident enough to wear this clothing item.
What are spaghetti straps?
She's on the soccer team and befriends Aven at tryouts.
Who is Jessica?
Aven's nickname based on how helpless she was when she was first adopted.
What is Sheebs, short for Queen of Sheba?
Which Stagecoach Pass employee is revealed to be Joe Cavanuagh?
Who is Josephine?
Connor is afraid to go here until Aven and Zion set up a private showing just for the three of them.
What do Connor and Aven discover helps his tics?
What is listening to music?
This ice cream shop worker struggles with dementia, but that doesn't stop him from solving the story's main mystery.
Who is Henry?
What did Zion's parents name him after?
What is the movie The Matrix?
Aven is revealed to have this connection to the owner of Stagecoach Pass.
What is she is Josephine's granddaughter?
Aven's new middle school is named this.
What is Desert Ridge Middle School?
In addition to being born without arms, Aven also has idiopathic craniofacial erythema, which is excessive this.
What is blushing?