CEO of Apple Inc.
Steve Jobs
Black US President who became very popular and successful recently.
Barack Obama
Italian artist, famous for painting the Mona Lisa.
Leonardo da Vinci
Argentinian soccer player who many people believe is currently the best in the world.
Lionel Messi
Korean figure skater who won many gold medals.
Kim Yuna
American businessman who became very rich after starting Facebook.
Mark Zuckerberg
German girl who wrote a famous diary while she was hiding from Nazis in World War II.
Anne Frank
British writer who became famous for the Harry Potter novels.
J.K. Rowling
Korean soccer player who played for Bolton and Crystal Palace in the EPL.
Lee Chung-yong.
Catholic woman who won the Nobel Peace Prize. Famous for helping people.
Mother Teresa
Professor of physics and space, used a wheelchair for most of his life.
Stephen Hawking
Leader of independence movement in India.
Mahatma Gandhi
English writer famous for writing plays, such as Romeo and Juliet.
William Shakespeare
American boxer who won an Olympic gold medal. Believed in peace and refused to fight in the Vietnam War.
Muhammad Ali
First human to set foot on the moon.
Neil Armstrong
French fashion designer who created a famous company. Famous for clothing and perfume.
Coco Chanel
Former president of South Africa who wanted equality.
Nelson Mandela
Jamaican singer famous for starting the 'reggae' music movement.
Bob Marley
American golfer who won 14 major championships.
Tiger Woods
American black woman who fought racism by not giving up her seat on a bus.
Rosa Parks
Canadian/South African/American inventor, famous for the Tesla company, which makes electric vehicles.
Elon Musk
American activist, famous for his speech: "I have a dream".
Martin Luther King Jr.
Mexican painter, famous for her self-portraits. Her work is famous for being symbolic of Mexico, and is popular with feminists.
Frida Kahlo
Korean soccer player who captained the World Cup 2002 team, and later was the manager of the Korea national team.
Hong Myung-bo
Woman pilot who became the first woman to fly alone across the Atlantic Ocean.
Amelia Earhart