To engage students in active exploration and reflection by moving around the classroom to interact with various stations or displays.
Gallery Walk
To encourage students to engage in critical thinking, articulate their ideas, and learn from peers through collaboration and discussion.
To encourage deep, focused discussion in a controlled format while allowing the rest of the class to develop listening and observational skills.
These quick, informal assessments enable teachers to quickly assess student's understanding of the material to gather feedback and guide future instruction.
Exit Slips
To build community, set the tone for the day, and encourage positive social-emotional learning.
Morning Meeting
To generate diverse ideas on a topic by having students collaborate and build on each other's thoughts.
Brainstorm Carousel
To provide students with a space to post questions or comments they may have during a lesson, helping to manage inquiries and encourage self-directed learning.
Digital Parking Lot
Think Aloud
To Foster self-reflection and critical thinking by having students evaluate each other's work.
Peer Assessments
To encourage responsibility and ownership of the the classroom environment while developing skills like cooperation and time management.
Classroom Jobs