Auto Claims
Home Ins.
Life Ins.
General Terms
Life Insurance

The coverage that repairs or pays the value of your vehicle in the event of a non-fault accident

What is "comprehensive," or "other than collision."

The amount the policy holder is responsible for in the event of a claim

What is the deductible


The type of life insurance that covers your for a predetermined amount of time, at the end of which you have the option to renew or cancel.

What is Term Life.


A general term for what protects your assets in an insurance policy

What is Liability

What is life insurance?

What is provides a cash sum to your loved ones that die during the length of the policy.


The coverage that repairs or pays the value of your vehicle for at-fault claims

What is collision coverage.


A neighbor comes to visit and falls due to a wobbly/broken front step. The coverage that pays out FIRST is called...

Medical Payments


The type of life insurance that builds cash value and can either pay out the dividends or add growth into death benefit

What is permanent life insurance


What are some benefits of having life insurances?

What is income replacement for years of lost salary, paying off your home mortage, paying off any debts, and providing funds for your kids' college education


The type of claims that have an effect on your insurance rate

What is liability and collision claims.


True or False: a single policy may have different deductibles for different kinds of claims

What is TRUE

The type of life policy that requires no medical questions or underwriting 

What is the Guaranteed Issue Final Expense policy


What is the point of renters insurance?

What helps you repair or replace property after loss due to many types of damage theft


Why is it call term life insurance?

what is it because it only provides for a set period, 10,20 or 30 years. If you die during the term, your beneficiaries can receive the death benefit. But if you outlive the term, the insurance ends.


You hydroplane and lose control of your vehicle, resulting in damage to your vehicle. The coverage to repair your vehicle is...

What is collision


A coverage that is important for homeowners to have, but is never included in a mortgage agreement by law

What is mortgage protection life insurance


In regards to taxes, the manner in which death benefit is passed to a beneficiary

What is tax-free


What type of things can renter insurance cover?

What is theft, water backup damage, certain natural disasters, bodily injuries and more in a rented property.

What things should you know before getting life insurance?

What is insurance needs, how much coverage you need, your current life insurance policy, compare the different kinds of insurance policies, be sure you can afford the premium payments, and etc.


The length of time that minor violations and accidents are rated for a driver

What is 3 years


A major loss/claim type that is never covered under home insurance by coverage or endorsement, due to it only being available for purchase through the federal government.

What is FLOOD


The number one reason why people say they don't have life insurance is because of...

What is understanding. 82% of Americans overestimate the cost of life insurance by about 28%


What are one of three majors parts of renter's insurance policy?

What is personal possessions, liability, additional living expenses. 


True or false: All benefit amount from life insurance have to be taxed.

What is false, life insurance isn't inclusive in gross income and you don't have to report them. However, any interest you receive is a taxable and you should report it as interest received. 
