Future forms
Conditionals (1st/2nd)
Rubbish and packaging
Work and education

I've decided I ______________ move to Dili.

A) am going to       B) will to         C) going to

A) Am going to


If I get home late tonight, I _______ (not eat) dinner.

won't eat


Mazza told me yogurts come in pouches, but in the UK they only come in p_______



When you apply for a job, you have to send your CV and a covering l__________.



What is the theme of this paragraph?

To learn English effectively, immerse yourself in the language through movies, podcasts, and books. Practice speaking with native speakers or language exchange partners, and utilize language apps for interactive learning. Consistency is key, so establish a regular study routine and embrace mistakes as part of the learning process.

Learning English effectively.


__________ make you a cup of tea?



If I  ________ you, I wouldn't accept that job. It sounds terrible!



cereal comes in carboard boxes, but sweets and chocolate comes in a w_________



It is important to a_____ every English class, or teacher James will cry.



What is the theme of this paragraph?

To get promoted at a new job, consistently deliver quality work, take on extra responsibilities, seek feedback, and collaborate effectively. Stay updated on industry trends, contribute innovative ideas, and build positive relationships. This approach will position you for advancement opportunities within your new workplace.



This movie is rubbish. I _____________ turn it off.

A) 'll go to           B) 'm going              C) 'll

C) 'll


Unless he _______ (start) acting more friendly, he _______ (not get) date.

Unless he starts acting more friendly, he won't get a date.


This meat smells bad! I think it's past it's s______ ______ _______

sell by date!


When jobs look for employees, they post a v_______ on the internet.


A willingness to learn not only helps you adapt quickly but also helps you get better at your job. Additionally, be open to seeking guidance from colleagues, as it can contribute to your professional growth. Your success in the new job isn't just about completing tasks; it's also about...

A) Proving you can always be on time and can make a schedule that fits you.

B) Showing motivation and a determination to grow and learn as much as you can.

C) Making new friends with your colleagues and forming a new social group.

B) Showing motivation and a determination to grow and learn as much as you can.


I _____________ to go to the gym this morning but I was just too lazy!

was going


The Sahara desert is the hottest place on earth. If it  __________ (rain) there, everyone ___________ (be) very surprised.

The Sahara desert is the hottest place on earth. If it  __________ rained there, everyone would be very surprised.


Please take out the rubbish. The r______ c_______ are coming today.

refuse collectors.


If you want to apply for a job you need a CV with all. your work e__________ and your educational q________. 

experience, qualifiactions


Starting a new job brings its own set of challenges, and one aspect to consider is diversifying your daily meals. You're not going to enjoy eating the same food every day, and relying on fast food isn't a sustainable or healthy option, especially when managing finances. Cooking simple meals, like pasta, can be a game-changer.

A) Take time to learn what facilities are available at your new workplace. If they have a microwave then some foods are very easy to reheat!

B) Your boss will be impressed with your work ethic and be sure to promote you.

C) This will quickly help you learn what equipment is available, such as projectors, computers, and conference rooms.

A) Take time to learn what facilities are available at your new workplace. If they have a microwave then some foods are very easy to reheat!


A) Hey Mark, the weather forecast says it ___________ to rain tomorrow. We _________ have to cancel the beach party. _________ we have a party at my place instead? 

B) Sure! I ____________ help you arrange it if you like.

A) Hey Mark, the weather forecast says it is going to rain tomorrow. We will have to cancel the beach party. Shall we have a party at my place instead? 

B) Sure! I will help you arrange it if you like.


Hypothetically, what ________ (you / do) if you __________ (have) enough money to pay rent?

If I ___________ (not pay) rent I ________ (move) in with my parents.

Hypothetically, what would you do if you didn't have enough money to pay rent?

If I couldn't rent I would move in with my parents.


Takeaway food often comes in po____________ trays. If the food goes cold you can r_______ it in a microwave. But these trays can't be recycled so they get taken to l_________ s_______ like Tibar.

polystyrene, reheat, landfill site


I love my job but it was really hard to get. In the i_________ they asked me lots of questions. Then I needed to get a w_______ p______ to say I am legally allowed to work. They also wanted two r_________ from past employers!

interview, work permit, references.


Starting a new job can be a bit overwhelming, especially when you're still getting to know your colleagues. You'll find it easier to meet people if you are open and approachable. Keep your workspace friendly and clean.

A) This will help you become better at your job.

B) You will also be able to meet people by attending work events.

C) Your boss will be more likely to promote you if you do this.

B) You will also be able to meet people by attending work events.
