True or False: If a client has signed the consent forms through the portal, there is no need to review them in the intake
True or False: Every client who has a referral needs to have a Release of Information signed at intake
True. This makes things easier when we are trying to coordinate care later in treatment.
True or False: A staff signature on consent forms is not necessary
False. Consent forms, assessments and treatment plans must be counter signed by a staff member.
What 2 places do we need to assign an intake and ongoing clinician?
Demographic (intake tab) and Dashbboard
What is our attendance policy and how would you communicate this to a client at intake?
Two or more late cancels or no shows with in a 30 day period could result in discharge from treatment
What are 2 things to read over before the intake to determine why the client is here?
Referral documents and sessions notes
Intake tab: Do we need to change client type from "intake" to "client"?
Yes, this impacts the reports that we run
What document is required for minor clients?
Consent to counsel a minor. If applicable: Expressive Arts consent and DBT Adolescent Master Treatment plan
True or False: Only telehealth clients need to have an emergency contact
What 2 signatures are required on the General Informed Consent?
Counselor Supervision (required by the AZBBHE)
Client/Guardian Consent for treatment
What should you always have with you when doing an intake?
Intake guide and intake checklist
What 2 key dates MUST be entered in the intake tab?
Date of intake scheduled and date intake was completed. Also include the reschedule date if applicable.
True or False: All adults can sign their own consent forms and treatment plans.
False. If an adult has a legal guardian, this person must sign the documents.
How many intake spots are staff required to have per week?
True or False: AZCFC only allows licensed staff to complete "fitness to work" or emotional support animal letters for clients
False: We do not complete any outside assessments of forms regardless of licensure. This is a scope of practice issue.
Who is responsible for rescheduling a client when they no show or cancel an intake?
Intake clinician
The intake clinician does not have to worry about the reason for referral because Admin does this
Admin typically does this, but the intake clinician needs to make sure this is completed.
How do you document verbal acknowledgement on consent forms for virtual intakes?
You must write "verbal consent" on the form and document in the progress note that they verbally consented (see sample)
Intake clinician
How would you describe the client expectations at intake?
*Discuss limited availability for evening and weekend appointments.
At what point is an intake clinician no longer clinically responsible for the client?
Once the receiving clinician or group facilitator makes "documented contact" (voice to voice contact or attendance at group).
True or False: The name of the intake clinician should be who was originally scheduled for the intake.
False: This should be who is actually completing the intake.
True or False: Supervisors must sign the assessment and treatment plan with in 72 hours of the intake
True for unlicensed staff
Where can you look to see that days and times of AZCFC groups?
AZCFC, Admin in the scheduler
How would you describe limits of confidentiality to a client during intake?
Must include reasonable suspicion of child abuse or vulnerable adult abuse, danger to self or others, legitimate subpoena, requests by our credentialing board and signed release of information by client/guardian