Adding Integers
What does |a| tell you?
What is "the distance a is from zero"
What is 7
What is the opposite of -27?
What is 27
Compare 1/7 and .15
What is less than?
Withdrawal of $75 dollars
What is -75
1 and 2/7 + -2 and 1/5 =
What is -32/35
2.5 - (-.36) =
What is 2.86
-2.6 times -.145 =
What is 0.377
-4/5 divided by 2/8 =
What is -3 and 1/5
Order the following numbers greatest to least:
-1.7, 2.73, 2 and 3/5, -2.5
What is 2.73, 2 and 3/5, -1.7, -2.5