Scientific Method
Theories and Laws
Data & Graphs
Observations and Inferences

Six steps of Scientific Method.

What is observation, question, hypothesis,  experiment, analyze, and communicate?


Define Theory

What is a comprehensive set of ideas explaining a phenomenon in nature?


Can articles biased or unbiased?

What is articles can be biased, meaning that articles can have unfair preference for someone or something that affected the way the reporter wrote their work.


Give the name of this graph and the use for it.

What is a pie graph that is used to show percentage or proportional data and usually the percentage represented by each category is provided next to the corresponding slice of pie?


A: Look at the long line!  Do you think we’ll get 


B:  I think so.  Some of these people already have 


A:  How much are the tickets? 

B:  Only nine dollars for the first show.  I’ll pay. 

A:  Thanks.  I’ll buy the popcorn. 

What are they talking about?

What is they are talking about getting tickets to see a movie?


Give the format of a hypothesis with an example of it.

What is "If... then... because..."

If it gets cold outside, then the leaves will change color, because leaf color change is related to temperature.


"I propose that Bald Eagle eggs in northern Maine will have thinner shells than those from birds in southern Alaska due to increased levels of pesticides in the water." 

What kind of statement is this?

What is a hypotheses?


Define Copy-right

What is a legal means of protecting an author's work?


Define Data.

What is facts, figure, and other evidence in our observations?


CAPTAINS: Please come up to the board! 

Make 2 observations and one inference based on the light up turtle.

What is 

- The turtle shell is extremely hard.

- The turtle shell has star shapes coming out of it. 

I can infer that the turtle battery ran out because when I try to turn the turtle on, it doesn't work. 


Difference between inference and observation. 

What is observation is information scientist would gather by using their five senses and inferences are 


Can all theories be tested?

What is scientific theories can be tested and then refined as new information or new perspectives on existing data become available.


What are the three website domain names that can give you a clue about a website's accuracy?

What is '.gov', '.org', and '.edu'


What is this graph called? What are the ID and DVs in this graph?  

EXTRA 50 POINTS: Is this graph negative correlation or positive correlation?

What is a scatter plot? The ID is Temperature while the DV is Sales. 

EXTRA 50 POINTS: This graph has a positive correlation.


CAPTAINS: Please come up to the board! 

Make 5 observations based on the plushie.

What is the plushie feels soft, is in the shape of a cat, smells like vanilla, there's no sound emitting from the plushie, and there's no taste of the plushie. 


Define Qualitative and Quantitative.

What is qualitative is physical appearance data while as quantitative is numerical data.


Difference between laws and theories.

What is laws the describe phenomena, while theories explain why phenomena exist. 


Why is Wikipedia unreliable?

What is Wikipedia can allow anyone with internet access to write and make changes to articles?


Define Data Analysis.

What is the process of interpeting the meaning of the data collected, organized, and displayed?  


Choose a logical inference based on the paragraph below. 

"As an architect, Thomas Jefferson preferred the Roman style, as seen in the buildings of the University of Virginia, to the English style favored by Charles Bullfinch."

   (A)  The architecture of the University of Virginia was influenced by the Roman style. 

   (B)  Bullfinch was an English architect. 

   (C)  Jefferson preferred to build in the English style of architecture

What is A, architecture of UoV was influence by the Roman style since the sentence start off with "Thomas Jefferson preferred the Roman Style..."


What do scientist do after they find a pattern in their data?

What is summarizes their findings and relates it back to the hypothesis?

Why are scientific theories an important part of research and understanding? 

A- Scientific theories allow scientists to make predictions. 

B- Scientific theories allow scientists to make assumptions. 

C- Scientific theories determine the work that future scientists can do. 

D- Scientific theories determine the subjects that scientists research.

What is A, since theories provide a framework for additional research and allow scientists to make predictions.


Define scholarly article.

What is a peer-reviewed article written by experts in academic or professional fields?


What is this graph called?

What is a histogram?

The difference between a histogram and a bar graph is that a histogram is used for continuous data, where the bins represent ranges of data, while a bar chart is a plot of categorical variables. 

Histograms have no gaps in the between bars, while bar graphs do.  


Phil and Dave were raring to get off to the mountains; they packed up their ski gear and climbed into the van with alacrity. 

What does the word "alacrity" mean in this sentence?

What is alacrity is cheerful or wiliness, eagerness, or with certain speed/quickness?
