How many hours does part time and PRN staff accrue each pay period?
In the event of a critical incident report, what is the form that staff on shift should fill out in addition to regular charting? When should it be completed?
First Person Report - should be completed before they leave on shift
A resident is transported to the hospital. When is it okay for staff to leave the hospital?
When the resident is admitted.
When are employees subject to a drug/alcohol test?
When there is REASONABLE suspicion that has been detected.
What does BSP/ISP stand for?
-Behavioral Support Plan
-Individual Service Plan
Name the paid holidays at Integrity
-New Year's Day
-Memorial Day
-Juneteenth Day
-4th of July
-Labor Day
What is a body chart and why is it important to have in every home?
For any event that a resident injures themselves. The document identifies where the injury occurred and is observed for a period of time.
What is the difference between what should be spent on your credit card vs. a resident's personal spending funds
Credit card should only be for groceries & household supplies.
Personal spending funds should be spent on items that the residents want to purchase for personal reasonings (clothes, fast food, hygiene products)
Who should an employee contact if they become injured on the job?
-Their supervisor
-911 if necessary
-SFM Injury Hotline if necessary
-HR if necessary
What does APS stand for and when do they get involved?
-Adult Protective Services
Are involved for additional follow up/investigation after typically a "critical incident" occurs
What is FMLA?
A law that allows eligible employees to take unpaid leave for medical and family reasons. It protects the employee's job and insurance coverage while they are out.
What is the name of the form that should be submitted when you want to promote a staff member to a Lead?
Nomination for Team Lead form
you earn a free 300 points
What is the difference between Mandatory Reporting and Whistleblower Policy?
Mandatory Reporting relates more to reporting elders at risk abuse/neglect.
Whistleblower Policy is immediate reporting of any acts considered to be illegal, dishonest or of abuse/neglect.
What does RM and RL stand for?
Restrictive Measures & Right's Limitation
- Unacceptable/Improper behavior by an employee
1. Abandoning the resident
2. Bringing drugs to work
3. Sleeping on the Job
A resident had a critical incident report and broke the window. What document should be filled out in addition to the regular charting and First Person Report
-Property Damage Form
Name 5 different diagnosis that we work with at Integrity
- Schizophrenia
-Down Syndrome
-Mood Disorders
Give some examples of Financial Exploitation
-Obtaining an individual's money by deceiving the individual
-Financial transaction card crimes
What does DHS stand for and why is it important?
Wisconsin Department of Health Services
How many days is a full-time employee allowed for paid bereavement?
Full time: 3 days paid
List the three different types of training documents that are used when you're a new hire coming to the home, switching homes, and attending team meetings
- Individual Training Checklist
- New Hire Orientation Checklist
- Training Verification Form
Name 3 different community partners (MCO's) that we work with?
- Lakeland
- Community Care (CCI)
-Dane/Milwaukee County
Name 5 forms of Abuse that relates to our workplace?
-Physical Abuse
-Emotional Abuse
-Sexual Abuse
-Treatment with Consent
-Unreasonable Confinement/Restraint
What does IRS stand for?
Integrity Residential Services