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A flat, non-palpable, skin color change.
What is a macule or patch
This test is more expensive than it's less precise counterpart, and as such is used only to confirm dx of HIV.
What is Western blot assay
This hypersensitivity reaction involves Vasodilation, increased capillary permeability, smooth muscle contraction, and eosinophilia. Includes hypotension, angioedema, and bronchial spasm most commonly.
What is type 1, IgE mediated anaphylactic response.
Which patient has a better prognosis? T2 N1 M1 or T2 N2 M0?
What is the first patient. Metatisis is more dangerous than lymph involvement.
Elevated mass with transient borders, often irregular, size and color may vary. Caused by movement of serous fluid into the dermis, but does not contain free fluid in a cavity.
What is a wheal
Nurses who are exposed to HIV via needle stick need to follow what steps in order to keep themselves as healthy as possible?
What is washing with soap and water, reporting to supervisor via injury reporting system, and seeeking tx from employee health dept.
An increase in the amount of damaging immunologic particles circulating, which then causes an increase in the amount of them deposited into (usually) joint and kidney tissues. Associated with systemic lupus erythematosis and RA
What is type 3 immune complex-mediated rxn.
For what signs and symptoms of what complication will the nurse assess her patient during administration of vesicant chemotherapy?
What is absence of blood return from IV, resistance to flow through IV, burning, swelling, pain, and redness at the sight, and extravasion
Thickening and roughening of the skin that may be secondary to repeated rubbing, irritation, or scabbing.
What is lichenification
A person with HIV is said to be living with AIDs when what benchmark is hit?
What is CD4 count below 200
Basically, a giant mistake, type three immune reactions involve the body mistakenly identifying a part of itself as foreign. A common example of this type of reaction is...
What is myasthenia gravis.
Diffuse rash, mucosal inflammation of the eyes and entire GI tract, diarrhea that may exceed 2L per day, and biliary stasis with abd pain, hepatomegaly, and jaundice are manifestions of a complication which may arise from what form of cancer treatment?
What is hematopoeitic stem cell transplantation?
Non-blanching spiderlike or linear lesion, colored bluish or red.
What is telangiectasia (venous star)
Patients with HIV will often need much support. What are three hospital departments that HIV patients will most likely be referred to in addition to the treatment of their primary illness?
What is psychology, nutrition, and case management. Also accepted- education
Describe the process of self-administration of epinephrine
What is look in the book (page 1039). Too much to type.
Name three interventions that can help to lessen the pain of stomatitis for a cancer patient.
What is use of soft bristle tooth brushes, cessation of usage of alchohol based mouthwash, eating soft foods, and drinking more water are all appropriate reccommendations.
Thin, transparent apearance of the epidermis, loss of surface markings. Underlying vessels may be visible.
What is atrophy
A disease that involves the endothelial leayer of blood and lymphatic vessels. Lesions can be brownish pink to deep purple.
What is Kaposi's sarcoma
Itching, erythema, and raised lesions are symptomatic of type 4 reaction. Give three examples of this type of reaction, and name the worry that comes along with it.
What is contact dermatitis, graft-versus-host disease, and sarcoidosis. The worry is that these types of reactions can turn in to a type 1 reaction if continued exposure happens. Example of latex gloves and healthcare workers.
What is the ANC of a patient with 15% segs, 10% bands and a WBC count of 2,000? What level of infection risk does this give them?
What is an ANC of 500 with severe risk of infection. (segs % + bands %) x (WBC count)=ANC (0.15 + 0.10) x (2000) = 500 This patient will be on neutropenic precautions and the nurse should take extreme caution to prevent infection for this patient. What are some measures that the nurse can take?