Protects against infection from bacteria and viruses
What is a function of the skin?
Outer layer of skin that is made up of keratinocytes and melanocytes
What is the epidermis?
creates the protein keratin, which makes the skin tough and water resistant
What is keratinocytes
contains fingerlike projections that contain nerves and blood vessels
What is the papillary
The skin helps maintain body...
what is temperature
The middle layer of skin that contains connective tissue, blood vessels, glands, hair follicles and nails
What is the dermis?
Produce pigment called melanin to help protect against UV radiation
What is melanocytes
Contains collagen, elastin, and nerves
What is the reticular layer
The integumentary system helps store
What is water and fat
Layer of skin that is made of loose connective tissue and fat that insulates and protects
What is the hypodermis
What is diffusion from the dermis?
This layer of the dermis helps feed the epidermis
What is the papillary
Made up of skin, hair, nails, nerves, glands, blood vessels
What is the integumentary system
"oil glands" that produce sebum
What is sebaceous glands?
The epidermis is made up of how many rows of cells
What is 40-50 rows
This layer of the dermis helps skin sense pressure and pain