How must the child be clothed for a skin assessment?
Must be undressed except for underwear or diaper!
What is lanugo?
The fine, downy-fur like hair covering the newborn.
What are also known as pinpoint hemorrhages and may indicate a blood disorder?
What causes verrucae?
HPV virus
What is the most common type of fungal infection in kids?
Candida Diaper Dermatitis
What is the vernix caseoa?
- Waxy/creamy coating
- Naturally occurring protective biofilm
- Covers the skin of the fetus during the last trimester of pregnancy and at birth
What is a kerion?
A moist, soggy lesion on the scalp
What dis?
Fungal rash on feet/between toes
Most common in adolescents
Interdigital (between toes) or like a ”slipper” on the Sole
Athlete's foot (tinea pedis)
What type of birthmark is permanent discoloration of the skin and enlarges as the child grows?
Flat vascular nevi/port wine stain
Anti-fungal meds
Nystatin cream
What forms the vernix caseosa?
Secreted by the newborn’s sebaceous glands in utero.
What dis?
FUNGAL infection of the groin
Most often in adolescent males
Contributing Factors- warm, moist environment, friction/obesity, tight garments
Jock itch (tinea cruris)
What is caused by blood vessels under the skin leaking and is often indicative of very serious illness?
What dis?
Yellow-brown Colored Nails
Hyperkeratosis (thickening)
Breakdown of the Nail
Tinea unguium
What are the three A's of eczema?
Allergies, asthma, and atopic dermatitis
What causes baby acne?
Maternal hormones
What is important to remember about treating a breastfed baby with thrush?
Must also treat the nipples
What presents as honey-colored crusted lesions?
What type of birthmark is a non-cancerous tumor made up of abnormal blood vessels?
Raised Vascular Nevi/hemangioma
What dis?
Annular (round), expanding lesion
Raised, erythematous border
Scaly , itchy hair loss
May have a single or multiple lesions
Ringworm (tinea corporis)
What is tinea?
A dermatophyte that invades the skin, hair, and nails
What is cradle cap?
Seborrheic dermatitis
Chronic inflammatory reaction of the skin in infants
Overproduction of skin cells in areas rich in oil glands
What dis?
Flesh-colored papules, in groups
White, waxy papules with depressed centers
Molluscum contagiosum (caused by a pox virus)
What type of birthmark is seen as deep blue pigmentation found on the lumbar, sacral, or gluteal areas?
Pigmented Nevi/mongolian spots
What is different about treatment of cellulitis on the face?
Requires IV antibiotics