Generate hair.
What follicles?
The integumentary system regulates this.
What is...body temperature?
This includes the skull, vertebrae, and ribs.
What is...the axial skeleton?
The skeletal system and the muscular system work together, so some people call them this name.
What is...the musculoskeletal system?
What did we learn the last time we met for class?
What is....?
Produce sweat to help in cooling the body.
What are....sudoriferous (sweat) glands?
The integumentary system protects these from injury.
What are...internal organs?
This includes arms, legs, and the pelvic girdle.
What is...the appendicular skeleton?
The skeletal system protects these from injury.
What are...soft internal organs?
This is a way you can study to make it more fun and helpful.
What is....?
Outermost layer of epithelial tissue; covers the external surface of the body.
What is...the epidermis layer?
The integumentary system helps produce this when skin is exposed to the sun.
What is...Vitamin D?
This attaches bone to bone for joint stability.
What is...a ligament?
The skeletal system provides points of attachment for these.
What are...muscles?
This is the meaning of the letters FARM.
What is...
Finding out what works for you, Asking questions, Reviewing, and Motivation ?
Thick layer beneath the dermis that contains arteries, veins, and nerves.
What is...dermis layer?
Cold, pain, touch, and pressure are examples of these.
What are...sensations?
This is the place where two bones meet.
What is...a joint?
The skeletal system gives the body these two important characteristics.
What are...shape and structure?
Loose, connective tissue composed of adipose tissue and lipocytes.
What is...subcutaneous layer?
When it is cold outside, these constrict (narrow) to limit the amount of blood reaching the skin, which helps the body retain more heat.
What are...blood vessels?
These are small, round bones found in the wrists and ankles.
What are...short bones?
Bones store this, which is very important for proper cell function.
What is...calcium?