Glands/Skin Cancer

What kind of epithelium is the epidermis made of?

stratified squamous epithelium


What kind of tissue is the dermis made out of?

Connective Tissue


What are the 2 general regions of the hair?

Shaft(outside portion)- where keratinization is complete; consists of medulla, cortex, and cuticle

Root (inside portion)- keratinization is still occuring


What is a sebaceous gland?

(oil) exocrine glands usually found in association with a hair follicle. They secrete by the holocrine method. Their secretion is called Sebum


What is a burn?

Tissue damage caused by heat, electricity, radiation, or certain chemicals


Name all cells that can be found on the epidermis.

Keratinocytes, Melanocytes, Langerhans cells,  and Merkel cells 


What does the dermis contain?

Contains nerves, blood vessels, lymphatic vessels, epidermal hair follicles, oil glands, and sweat glands


What do the nails function/act as?

Act as a protective cover for the distal, dorsal surface of fingers and toes


What is a Sudoriferous gland?

(sweat) a mixture of water, salts, and organic waste. Sweat functions to eliminate wastes and regulate body temperature.


What is the immediate threat of a burn?

dehydration and electrolyte imbalance


Which cell is connected through desmosomes and produces keratin?



What is the papillary layer made out of?

areolar connective tissue with loose collagen and elastic fibers, and blood vessels


Which nail structure is also referred to as the "cuticle"?



What are the 2 main types of sudoriferous glands and their respective functions?

  • Eccrine (merocrine)- Function in thermoregulation

  • Apocrine- Secrete viscous milky or yellowish sweat that contains fatty substances and proteins

    •  bacteria break down the sweat, leading to body odor


Name the possible treatments for a burn.

Debridement (removal) of burned skin

Antibiotics (because an infection is possible)

Temporary covering

Skin grafts (moving healthy skin from elsewhere)


Name the layers of the epidermis from most inner to most outer.

Stratum Basale, Stratum Spinosum, Stratum Granulosum, Stratum Lucidum, Stratum Corneum.


Where does the papillary layer get its name from?

Contains fingerlike regions where the dermis projects up into the epidermis, called dermal papillae

  • Dermal papillae contain capillaries, free nerve endings, and Meissner’s corpuscles(touch receptors)

In thick skin, dermal papillae lie on top of dermal ridges, which give rise to epidermal ridges (fingerprint)


Name the parts of the hair follicle and give a short description of each.

  • Hair Bulb: expanded area at the deep end of the follicle

  • Hair follicle receptor (or root hair plexus): sensory nerve endings that wrap around the bulb (Hair is considered a sensory touch receptor)

  • Hair Matrix: actively dividing area of bulb that produces hair cells (As the matrix makes new cells, it pushes older ones upward)

  • Arrector Pili Muscle: a small band of smooth muscle attached to the follicle(It contracts and pulls the hair up/out from skin in response to cold/fright)

    • Responsible for “goosebumps"

  •  Hair Papillae: Dermal tissue containing a knot of capillaries that supplies nutrients to growing hair


Name the 3 major types of skin cancer?

Basal cell carcinoma,  Squamous Cell Carcinoma,  and Melanoma


When are burns considered critical?

  • >25% of the body has second-degree burns

  • >10% of the body has third-degree burns

  • Face, hands, or feet bear third-degree burns


Which layer of skin has anucleated, dead, keratinized cells?

Stratum Corneum


What is the difference between Cleavage Tension and Flexure Lines?

Cleavage Tension- in the reticular layer is caused by many collagen fibers running parallel to the skin surface

Flexure Line of the reticular layer are dermal folds at or near joints


Name all nail structures and give a short description of each.

  • Nail Matrix: the thickened portion of bed responsible for nail growth

  • Nail Folds: skin folds that overlap border of a nail

  • Eponychium: nail fold that projects onto the surface of the nail body

    • Also called “cuticle”

  • Hyponychium: area under the free edge of the plate that accumulates dirt

  • Lunule: thickened nail matrix, appears white (crescent-shaped) 


Which type of skin cancer is the least malignant and most common?

Basal Cell Carcinoma


Name the classification of burns and give a short description of each.

  • 1st degree- (Epidermal damage only) Localized redness, edema (swelling), and pain

  •  2nd degree- Epidermal and upper dermal damage (the epidermis and part of the dermis is damaged)

    •  Blister appear

  •  3rd degree- The entire thickness of skin involved(referred to as full-thickness burns; the epidermis and full dermis is damaged)

    • Skin color turns gray-white, cherry red, or blackened

    • No edema is seen and the area is not painful because nerve endings are destroyed

    • Skin grafting usually necessary
