Skin Disorders
Nursing Interventions Involving Disorders
Feel the Burn
This drug is an antiviral medication. It is used to accelerate healing of herpes simplex viruses type 1 (cold sores) and 2 (genital), varicella (chicken-pox), and herpes zoster (shingles).
What is acyclovir (Zovirax)
A skin rash that may affect people of any age but is most often noted in young adults. A single lesion is known as a herald patch.
What is Pityriasis Rosea
The nurse would provide palliative treatment of this disease. Major goals would include pain relief, reduction of anxiety. Encourage the patient to protect the skin from the sun and the patient would need regular physical examinations and regular skin self-assessment.
What is Malignant melanoma
Involves injury and destruction of the epidermis and the dermis. The would will not heal by reepithelialization and grafting may be required.
What is Full-thickness burn
Elavated, firm, circumscribed area <1 cm in diameter. Warts.
What is Papule
This medication is a topical antibacterial. It is used to treat and prevent skin infections in patients with serious burns. Treatment continues until healing has progressed well or until the site is ready for grafting.
What is mafenide (Sulfamylon)
This bacterial infection is caused by streptococci or a mixed bacterial invasion of the skin. It is highly contagious and is primarily common in children. The lesions start as macules and develop into pustulant vesicles.
What is Impetigo Contagiosa
Assessment of skin for signs of secondary infection for this chronic inflammatory disorder. Apply topical medications (steroid creams are used more often than coal tar because they work quicker) using medical aseptic technique. Monitor for low self-esteem related to change in body image. Report signs of wound infection.
What is Eczema (Atopic Dermatitis)
This occurs when the intravascular space is not replenished with intravenously administered fluids.
What is hypovolemic shock and ultimately death
Heaped up keratinized cells, flaky skin, irregular, thick or thin, dry or oily, variation in size. Dry skin.
What is scale
This medication is an antifungal. An adverse effect of this drug is hepatotoxicity. The nurse would need to monitor liver function and BUN, Creatinine.
What is fluconazole (Diflucan)
Infection of the hair follicle, generally by S. aureus (streptococci) bacteria. It often occurs after men or women shave. A stye resulting from an infected eyelash is an example of this.
What is Folliculitis
Inspect lesions for drainage, color, and location. Keep the area dry. A local anesthetic and loose-fitting cotton clothing help relieve discomfort. Antiviral drugs should be administered as prescribed. Frank discussions concerning safe sexual practices including condoms is indicated.
What is Herpes Simplex Type 2 - genital herpes
Assessing the ABCs - airway, breathing, and circulation. Inhalation injury. Cover burns with sterile or clean cloths. Remove constrictive jewelry and clothing. Insert IV. These are all done during this phase of management of burn injury.
What is Resuscitation/Emergent Phase
Loss of the epidermis, linear hollowed-out crusted area. Abrasion or scratch, scabies.
What is excoriation.
This OTC topical treatment is used to treat psoriasis and other Atopic dermatitis. It works by slowing the rapid growth of skin cells and restoring the skin's appearance. Anyone regularly using this should follow a regular skin cancer check-up schedule.
What is Coal tar.
Mild to severe erythema with pruritus from contact with certain plants, commonly poison ivy and poison oak.
What is Dermatitis Venenata
When assessing growths or changes in a mole, the nurse would use this mnemonic device.
What is A- Is the mole Asymmetrical? B- Are the Borders irregular? C- Is the Color uneven or irregular? D- Has the Diameter of the growth changed recently? E- Has the surface area become Elevated?
This should be done during the resuscitative phase to reduce dependent edema to the extremities if no obvious fractures are present.
What is elevate on pillows above the level of the heart.
Dried serum, blood, or purulent exudate. Slightly elevated, size varies. Brown, red, black, or tan. Scab on abrasion, eczema.
What is crust
This medication aids in shedding dead cells from the top layer of the skin and by decreasing inflammation for patients with acne and psoriasis.
What is Salicylic Acid
An autoimmune disorder characterized by inflammation of almost any body part. It is a chronic, multisystem inflammatory disorder that occurs when the body produces antibodies against its own cells. There is no cure.
What is Systemic Lupus Erythematosus (SLE)
Assess extent of occluded oil glands by inspecting lesions for size, color, and location. Apply medications to decrease occlusion of oil glands. Encourage verbalization of feelings about cosmetic appearance as body image is important to an adolescent. The cause for the condition is unknown.
What is Acne Vulgaris
Extends deeper into the skin dermis. Wound surface is red and dry with white areas in deeper parts. Edema is moderate. Generally heals in 3-6 weeks, but scar formation results, and skin grafting may be necessary.
What is Deep partial-thickness burn.
Elevated, superficial, lesion, similar to a vesicle but filled with purulent fluid. Acne, impetigo.
What is pustule.