What is one major known cause of ID?
1.Genetic or hereditary causes
2. Prematurity or low birth weight
3. Toxins
4. Diseases
5. Child abuse and neglect
What does UDL stand for?
Universal Design for Learning
What does SEB stand for?
Social-emotional behavior
Name a simple accomodation for students with ID
1. Breaking tasks into steps
2. Provide visual reminders
3. Graphic Organizers
4. Allowing the use of technology (computer)
5. Allow breaks
6. Giving extended time
What is ID?
A lifelong neurological condition that affects individuals ability to learn and think.
Name 2 benefits of students development through UDL
Name one way emotional development is affected in student's with an ID?
1. They experience social isolation
2. Difficulty making friendships
3. Impaired cognition affecting communication skills
True or False: Students with severe/profound ID may not required more substantial adaptations
What is the most defining characteristic of ID?
Impaired Cognition
Name two examples of how students with ID can enagage in the classroom through the UDL framework
What are some social challenges a student with an ID may face? (Name 2)
1. Making friendships
2. Have difficulties communicating
3. Ability to follow rules
True or False: "One accommodation can help students with different disabilities, so any support that meets a student’s needs should be considered".
Name two of the adaptive behavior skill areas
1. Conceptual
2. Social
3. Practical
Name two examples of lesson plans that can be used in the classroom through the UDL framework
1. Develop learning goals
2. Develop Instructional Methods
3. Instructional Materials
4. Assessment Methods
According the the presentation slide, name two ways in which incorporating SEL in the classroom helps students.
Name one difficulty students with mild ID may have
1. Difficulty learning simple tasks,
2. Remembering information
3. Applying knowledge and skills they have learned
Name the 4 classification of ID by severity
2. Moderate
3. Severe
What does the UDL framework reduce and what does it enhance?
1. Reduces learning barriers
2. Enhances educational experiences
True or False: "Students with the most signifcant cogntive impairments (less than 1% of all students with disabilities) can receieve instruction based on alternate academic achievement standards"