Brain games
Art and creative activities
Screen time

What type of Brain Games decrease stress?

Block Blast, Online Puzzles, strategic games, and memory games.


What type of creative activities could decrease stress?

Watercolor, Jenga, Fidget Toys, Kanoodle, Coloring Sheets, etc.


Does screen time increase or decrease stress?

To much screen time can increase stress.


What type of books help you decrease stress?

All types of books that you enjoy reading can help decrease your stress, and increase your imagination!


How do you stop Procrastination?

Doing it like 4 to 3 hours before the deadline taking small breaks to finish your work and get a good grade.


How can Brain Games decrease stress?

Brain Games can decrease stress by relaxing you mind and also improving your mind by playing easy Brain Games


How can art and creative activities decrease stress?

Engaging in creative activities can promote mindfulness, which can help reduce stress levels. Focusing on the present moment and the creative process can help reduce anxiety and promote relaxation


How could you use screen time to decrease stress?

You could watch calming videos such as ASMR or play calming online games.


How long do you think you should read everyday?

At least 15 to 30 minutes to help decrease stress.


How can Procrastination stop stress?

It can stop stress by not waiting until the deadline to finish the thing you have to do such as, chores, homework, dishes, and etc.


What type of brain games can increase stress?

Games that have a lot of action and you have to make a choice quickly under pressure and it can make you overthink.


Is Hanging out with friends a way to decrease stress?

Yes, spending time with friends can be an effective way to decrease stress due to the social support and positive emotions that friendships provide, potentially lowering stress


How can screen time increase stress?

 Someone could be talking bad about you on social media, causing you stress and overthinking.


What should you do after reading?

After reading to reduce stress, do activities that help relaxation and well-being, such as deep breathing, stretching, or a short walk, and consider connecting with others.


What are situations for Procrastination?

One possibility is that, you have to finish your homework and it's half your grade. But you decide to do it later. Then near the deadline you have to do your homework. You'd get really stressed and rush it not getting a good grade.


What brain games would you suggest to a friend to reduce stress?

Any type of brain games that reduce stress and don't make you overthink causing stress.


How could creative activities Increase Stress?

Some times when you brainstorm about the activities it can cause small stress or saying you are not good enough at art yet making you overwhelmed


Say a type of situation where screen time could increase or decrease stress.

Increase stress: People talking bad about you online and blackmailing you

Decrease Stress: Watching YouTube, calming videos, also talking to your friends online


How can reading decrease stress?

Reading can reduce stress by helping you focus, escape from your daily worries, and engage your imagination.


What is procrastination?

 Procrastination is essentially delaying or postponing a task, chore, or activity that needs to be done, even if the child knows it's important or has a deadline. 
