North America
South America

Prudhoe Bay is the center of this state's oil-rich "North Slope" that has its borough seat at Barrow. Fairbanks is the largest inland city of this state, which is home to North America’s highest peak at Denali. For the point, name this largest U.S. state governed from Juneau.

What is Alaska?


This river originates from the Andes Mountain and empties into the Atlantic Ocean. Countries that surround this river include Bolivia, Ecuador, and Brazil. For the point, what is the longest river in South America and shares its name with a massive rainforest?

What is the Amazon River?

This city's suburbs include the 6th of October City, which is connected by the Arab World’s oldest metro system. Protests in this city's Tahrir Square resulted in the resignation of President Hosni [[HOHS-nee]] Mubarak [[moo-BAHR-ick]]. For the point, name this city located on the Nile River, the capital of Egypt.

What is Cairo?


This country installed the world’s largest hydroelectric dam, the Three Gorges Dam, along its Yangtze River. The Gobi Desert stretches between this country and Mongolia. For the point, name this country whose “Great Wall” spans its northern border near Beijing

What is China?


An engineer who worked on the Statue of Liberty constructed a namesake tower in this city. This city includes the Place Charles de Gaulle, at the center of which is the Arc de Triomphe. The Louvre Museum is located in, for the point, what capital of France?

What is Paris?

This city's Jamaica Bay contains the second least-used station of its subway network, which also connects to Howard Beach. Hart Island is a mass grave in this city where burials are conducted by inmates from the correctional institution Rikers Island. Exclaves of this populous city can be found on Ellis Island and Liberty Island. For the point, name this city that includes Brooklyn and Manhattan.

What is New York City?


This country's highest peak of Huascaran is the highest point in the Tropics. This country is home to the ancient Nazca Lines, which are known for their portrayal of animals and plants. This country's city of Cusco was the capital of the Inca Empire. For the point, name this country that contains Lima.

What is Peru?


This country known for its sapphire and vanilla production contains an "Avenue of the Baobabs." This country is the largest single island nation in the world and it was formerly known as the Malagasy Republic. Antananarivo is the capital of this country that is famous for its lemur population. For the point, name this island country off the coast of mainland Africa, the namesake of a 2005 Dreamworks film.

What is Madagascar?


This city administers the Bonin Islands, and its metropolitan area includes the largest non-American Disney Resort. Ginza is a popular shopping district in this city that was known as Edo before it became the capital of the Tokugawa [[TOE-kuh-GAH-wa]] Shogunate [["SHOW"-guh-"knit"]]. For the point, name this Japanese city, the largest in the world.

What is Tokyo?


This city is the capital of Lazio [[LOTs-ee-OH]], and its Ponte Sant'Angelo contains ten statues of angels on it. This city has forbidden tourists from sitting on its Spanish Steps, and this city's Pantheon has survived largely intact for 2,000 years. This city is the capital closest to another country's capital, which it completely encloses and borders along Saint Peter’s Square. For the point, name this capital of Italy.

What is Rome?


The house used for the filming of A Christmas Story is located in this city where the Cuyahoga [[KYE-uh-hoe-guh]] River caught fire in 1969. That river in this city empties into Lake Erie near the Rock and Roll Hall of Fame. For the point, name this Ohio city that recently changed the name of its baseball team after years of protest from indigenous Americans.

What is Cleveland?


This mountain range's volcano of Licancabur recorded the world's highest UV index in 2003, and this mountain range contains the world's highest permanent settlement at La Rinconada [[REEN-co-nada]]. This range passes by a lake known either as Lake O'Higgins or Lake San Martin near the province of Santa Cruz. For the point, name this South American mountain range home to Aconcagua.

What are the Andes Mountains?


A London tube stop, which once served as a bomb shelter, is named for (this animal) and Castle. A set of papyrus manuscripts from an island named for these animals indicate that a population of Jewish mercenaries guarded the Egyptian border at Aswan. Seattle’s Woodland Park Zoo funds a program to protect these animals in the Tarangire region of Tanzania, and they can controversially be punished with the use of an ankus. In Nepal, forest rangers ride, for the point, what pachyderm, from whom ivory is often acquired?

What are elephants?


This country's Union Territories include Puducherry [[POOD-uh-CHEER-ee]] and Ladakh. The Thar Desert makes up the western boundary of this country where Sino Tibetan, Andamanese, and Dravidian Languages are spoken. The states of Rajasthan [[RAH juh-STON]] and Uttar [[OO-tarr]] Pradesh are located in, for the point, what subcontinental country with its capital at New Delhi?

What is India?


This language is divided into high, middle, and low divisions by the Benrath and Speyer lines. This language has official status in Italy's South Tyrol region, and its Sprachraum includes Liechtenstein, Styria, Salzburg, and other states in Austria. For the point, name this language spoken in Frankfurt and Berlin.

What is German?


This U.S. state's Park City is located in the Wasatch Range, which hosted some events of the 2002 Winter Olympics. This state's town of Moab [[MO-ab]] on the Colorado River is a gateway to Canyonlands and Arches National Parks. The majority of this state’s population are members of the Church of Latter-Day Saints, or Mormons. For the point, name this state home to the Great Salt Lake.

What is Utah?


One of these structures whose construction started during the Sui [[SWEE]] Dynasty links the cities of Tianjin and Hangzhou [[HAHNG-ZHOH]], and is known as the "Grand" one of these. Nasser's nationalization of one of these structures in Egypt launched a namesake crisis. For the point, name these structures which link bodies of water, which include an example linking the Pacific and Atlantic Oceans in Panama.

What is a canal?


Jizan and Jeddah are ports on this sea, which lies along the Great Rift Valley and is connected via the Bab-el-Mandeb to the Gulf of Aden. Eritrea gained a coastline on this sea after declaring independence from Ethiopia. For the point, name this sea between Africa and Arabia that is associated with Moses.

What is the Red Sea?


This city is served by the world's largest desalination plant at the port of Jebel Ali. This city's The Palm hotel notably has underwater rooms. This city is home to archipelagos of artificial islands shaped like a map of the world. This city is home to the tallest skyscraper in the world, which is known as the Burj [this city]. For the point, name this most populous city in the United Arab Emirates.

What is Dubai?


Bokmål [[BOOK-mawl]], or "Book Tongue," is the official written standard of this country's language. This country's city of Bergen was the northernmost member of the Hanseatic League, and this country has Europe's longest coastline thanks to its many fjords [[FYORDS]]. For the point, name this country with capital at Oslo.

What is Norway?


This city's Holy Name Cathedral on State Street features remnants of the bullets used to kill Hymie Weiss, a gangster who rivaled Al Capone. Oak Park is a suburb of this city that contains Michigan Avenues and the Willis Tower. Wrigley Field is a historic ballpark in, for the point, what Midwestern city in Illinois, the third largest in the U.S.?

What is Chicago?


This island's Mataveri International Airport is the world's most remote commercial airport. This island's natives were the frequent target of Peruvian slave raiders, and local names for this island include Isla de Pascua and Rapa Nui. This island can be considered both the westernmost point of South America, and the easternmost point of Polynesia. For the point, name this island owned by Chile, known for its moai [[MOW-"eye"]] statues with large heads.

What is Easter Island?


This river is known as the Lualaba [[LOO-uh-lah-bah]] before passing through Boyoma Falls near Kisangani [[KEE-san-gah-nee]]. This river that includes the Kwango and Ubangi as tributaries also separates the world's two closest national capitals at a widening called Stanley Pool. The Zaire River was the former name of, for the point, what second longest river of Africa that gives its name to two countries?

What is the Congo River?


This country experiences harsh winters known as zuds. This country contains the world's coldest national capital, and it is completely surrounded by Russia and China. Ulaanbaatar [[OO-lon-bah-TOOR]] is the capital of, for the point, what Central Asian country where tourists can see the Equestrian Statue of Genghis Khan?

What is Mongolia?


The opening of a cable railway on this mountain was commemorated with the song "Funiculì, Funiculà." This mountain's peak is contained within the Gran Cono, formed from the collapse of a structure called Mount Sommo. An observatory on this mountain monitors the Phlegraean Fields as part of the Campanian volcanic arc, and this mountain destroyed Herculaneum. For the point, name this volcano that overlooks Naples and buried Pompeii in 79 AD.

What is Mount Vesuvius?
