False Imprison.
Trespass to Land
Tres to Chat/Conv.

Why did the snatching of the plate in the case of the African American NASA employee constitute as battery?

What is so intimately connected to the person


Why was the retired man who was kept in "nursing wing 3" for addicts, alcoholics, and mentally disturbed people, falsely imprisoned?

What is the direct restraint of his physical liberty with no justification


Why was "you stink me" not enough for a successful claim of IIED?

What is it was not extreme and outrageous 


True/False: Shooting a gun over someone's home is trespass.

What is true. Immediate air above is as significant as the soil below.


The girl who climbed on top of someone's dog was not liable for trespass to chattles because...

What is she did not cause the dog any harm.


Why is telling someone I am going to beat you up tomorrow not assault?

What is a future threat


Why was the drunk kid who was brought to the golf course by a police officer to sober up and hit by a car upon trying to leave not falsely imprisoned?

What is he was not aware of the confinement at the time

A man is given an ultimatum to agree to a deal or get beat up. He claimed he suffered severe illness, vomiting and was unable to go to work for several days due to the threats. Why was his claim for IIED unsuccessful?

What is the threat was not of immediate physical harm


A town makes an agreement with a property owner for a sign to go up during the winter months and to be taken down during the summer months. One year the town fails to remove a piece. The owner hits the piece while mowing the lawn, is thrown from it and dies. Why is the town liable for trespass?

What is they had a duty to remove the full sign from the property. 


The court found a company liable for trespass to chattles when sending mass emails through another companies servers to all of its customers because...

What is it impaired the server's value because it affected customer satisfaction.


Why was the guy who came to fix the clock and threatened the women employee he was going to "love" her found liable for assault?

What is he had the actual ability to reach her over the counter


Why was the employee of a jewelry store who was accused of stealing a watch not falsely imprisoned? 

What is she implied consent to stay by agreeing to take a lie detector test and clarifying the situation


The worker with the speech impediment/stutter made fun of by his boss could not recover for IIED because?

What is emotional distress must be severely disabling


What element is missing?

1. Intentionally or unlawfully entering another's property without permission; or 

2. Causing a thing to enter the land of another; or

3. Failing to remove a thing one has a duty to remove.

What is remaining on someone's land after permission is no longer granted.


What is the difference between trespass to chattles and conversion?

What is temporarily depriving versus permanently depriving


Why was the teacher, who was sued by the women that fell after being tapped on the shoulder during the fire drill, not liable for battery?

What is a reasonable person would not have found it offensive under the circumstances


Why was the women who was charged with disobeying the dog ordinance but arrested for failure to produce her license falsely imprisoned?

What is the officer had no legal justification in his arrest.


A girl sees her dad get beat up. Her claim for IIED was unsuccessful because?

What is a party is only liable for IIED when the act is caused for the purpose or substantial certainty that IIED would occur. A.k.a. they did not intend for her to see her dad get beat up. 


A helicopter or a plane is not trespass. However, _______ is.

What is a drone.


Copying and replacing someone's documents is not conversion because...

What is by copying you are not permanently depriving because the possessor still has access. 


True or False... Two people walking through a narrow passage and colliding is battery. 

What is false. Only battery if contact is out of anger. 


What is the rule that came from the case of the woman who was brought to America on a boat but given no means to get from the boat to shore?

What is restraint does not always need to be physical.


What IIED element is missing?

1. Intentionally or recklessly; and

2. The actor has to act in extreme or outrageous conduct as to a reasonable person; and

3. person suffers severe and extreme emotional distress.

What is the connection between the act and the emotional distress.


Every person has the right to ____  ______  _____  ______ of their land. 

What is quiet undisturbed peaceful enjoyment.


What are the 8 (but really 9) privileges...

What is consent, self-defense, defense of others, recovery of property, defense of property, necessity, justification, authority of law, and discipline. 
