Ressurected by Jesus after 4 days
Peter ressurected a boy from the dead in the bible. True or False
False, it was Paul
Daniels' 3 friends are
Shadrach, Meshack & Abednego
Who didn't bow down to the golden image in the book of Daniel
Shadrach, Meshack & Abednego
Jesus commanded demons to enter us
The prophet whose skeleton resurrected a dead body
The kingdom where Daniel and his 3 friends were exiled to
The prophet who foretold that a Savior would be born in Bethlehem
Who is Micah?
The book and chapter where the story of the man born blind is recorded
Who is the Archangel Gabriel?
Name of the boy that Paul resurrects from the dead
The King Daniel transformed is called
Daniel 11 : 32b
Those who know their God shall be strong and do exploits