
What is customer interaction?

•A customer interaction refers to any communication between a customer and an employee/company.


What will happen if you understand what your customers are looking for?

You will be able to give them what they actually want.

You will be able to figure out what the content and messages your audience cares about


Complete the following sentence:

Just because you have figured out one way to do something doesn't mean that will.........................................

always be the best way.


Why is active listening skills important when determining customer needs?

helps you understand and identify the customer's need and problem

Build trust


What does it mean by empathy?

When you love or care for someone

Provide any three of the best ways to greet customers.


Make eye contact

Use the customer's name if you know it

Help them find what they are looking for

Make them feel welcome through positive body language


Why is it important to build connection with customers?

Helps build trust


What are the three Cs we discussed about communication?

Clear, concise, and consistent


Name one report we discussed and what does it do?

Team performance report

Individual report

Training report

Project reports

Customer feedback


How do you show interest in customer's needs?

Listen actively, positive body language, express gratitude, personalize interaction, follow up, seek feedback, ask question

Stand up and share your greeting as if you are welcoming a customer to your hotel



What does it mean by prioritizing responsiveness?

It is when you find solutions to resolve customers problem immediately.

If the problem cannot be resolved, acknowledge the customers that you are working on the issue and try to resolve it as soon as you can. 


What does it mean by clear, concise, and consistent?

Clear is when the message is cleared and understood by the customer, concise is to keep it short and consistent is establishing a reliable flow and effectiveness of the message.


Name any two benefits of active listening skills we discussed

Build trust and strong relationships, 

resolve problems, 

prevent you from missing any important information, 

enable you to anticipate problems, 

build more knowledge, 

empowers you as a leader


What will happen when you are being transparent with your clients?

Builds trust and manages expectation effectively, avoid miscommunication


Share two of the things that you would do to make customers a priority.

1.First come, first serve. ...

2.Allow customers to determine the level of urgency. ...

3.Create categories for types of requests. ...

4.Create categories for types of customers. ...

5.Respond quickly, no matter what. ...

6.Streamline your reassign process. ...

7.Create service level agreements (SLA's).


What does it mean by feedback? Why are they important?

Comments from someone and it helps offer or create new opportunities for development and better customer service.


What is active listening skills?

Really pay attention to whoever you are interacting with.


Why are customers' needs important?

improve the success of the business, higher retention rate, lifetime value, and reach goals. 


What are the three things you do when talking to clients about limitations?

Be upfront

Set clear boundaries

Help them understand why


State any two questions you would ask in order to know and understand your customers.

What are their challenges? 

What do they want? 

What are they expecting from your relationship? 

Ask yourself, does our product meet/exceed customer expectations? 

Is our customer service superb?


Is it enough to just capture feedback? Elaborate more on your answer

No- You have to take feedbacks in a meeting to discuss how your service is and see what you can do to improve any service that needs improvement. 


What are the two things you should include when informing a manager about a problem?

nature and details of the issue

outcome you would like to see


What does it mean by functionality as a need of customers?

every product or service given to the customers needs to be fully functioned and satisfy the need of the customer


What do you do when a problem cannot be resolved with your supervisor or manager?

Seek help from higher up level people
