What is the definition of communication?
The transfer of information between orginisms.
What is the definition of society?
A Group of animals of the same species living or working together in an orginized way.
What is the definition of dominance?
Higher social status relative to other animals in the society.
What is the definition of territory?
Any area that animals use for feeding, mating, or raising their young.
What is the definition of courtship?
Specialized behavior that is meant to help animals find or attract a mate.
Why do animals communicate with each other?
Loacting others, finding mates, warning others of danger, and protection.
Some species are less orginized and only group together during spefific time periods. What are those two time periods?
Migrating and breeding.
What is submissive?
Animals with higher social status have power over those below it.
What are territories marked by?
Pheromones, urine, and feces.
(TRUE, FALSE!) Do each species have an unique behaviors to attract mates?
Yes / True
How do animals communicate with each other?
Sound, light, chemical, and body language.
What animals are very structured?
A pride of lions.
What are the several(four) different ways an animals social status can be determined?
Gender, size, age, and reproductive success.
Any type of forceful behavior that is used to dominance or control another animal.
What will some birds do to attract or find a mate?
Use a mating song, bring the female a gift, and build a brightly colorful nest.
What is a very comman animal that uses it's tail for different emotions? *Hint* It is a body language and most people have these animals as pets.
A Dog.
Think of a medium size animal that has orange fur, and makes a laughing kind of sound, just like a Heyna, but this animals loves to be pet if it is domesticated, but people will not usually keep them as pets, like dogs or cats.
A Fox is also a structured animal.
What are the three majoritys of leaders?
The oldest male monkey, the most physically fit, and the most aggressive.
What happends when animals of the same species have territorial battles?
They often try not to seriously harm each other.
What animals is famous for it's beutiful tail feathers?
A Peacock.
What is an insect that uses a chemical to light up empty fields? *Hint* You can capture these insects in a jar at night.
A Firefly.
Think of another animal that is small, and hops. That should be enough information.
A Rabbit.
Why is dominance / social order important in animals societies?
It helps reduce fighting amongst members of the group, and submissive animals will often roll over, crouch, move out of the way to prove they are not a threat.
What are female Spotted Hyena societies dominated by?
Females, cubs, and males.
What animal flicks their heads and grunt like a pig near a nesting burrow?
A Puffin.