Where do social bees store honey?
What is in wax combs?
Used in various foods as a healthy sweetener
What is honey?
How do drones communicate?
What is drift from colony to colony
What do bees represent?
What is hard work, obedience with Christian virtues?
What country represents death, resurrection and givers of life
What is Ancient Egypt?
When are Bees most active?
What is Spring?
What is an example of a hive beekeepers used
What is Lanstroth Hives?
Who protects and listen to the queen bees?
Who are drones?
What are bees linked to?
What is Goddess worship?
The bees represent the soul
Who are the Greek & Romans?
Who mates with the queen bee?
What are male drones?
Protective clothing for Beekeepers
What is the Fencing Veil?
How do most bees communicate?
What is dancing?
What are the 4 things bees illustrate to convey God's...
What do bees represent in the European Middle Ages
What is Unity & Religion?
Who places pollen/nectar?
Who are workers?
To relax bees to be able to inspect the hives
What is the Bee Smoker?
What is the purpose of the waggle dance?
Who is to inform other bees of the nectar source?
What do beehives symbolize?
What is the industry and community in Christianity?
What is the name of the poem about bees?
What is "The Grumbling Hive"?
Who swarms the queen be?
Who are male drones?
What are bees fed to maintain a strong honey production when nectar was limited?
What is sugar syrup?
What do queen bees give off?
What is pheromones?
What are beehives shown in?
What is Christian Art?
How do bees change?
What is morals?