In what decade was the first computer-based role-playing, "Dragonstomper," created?
What does "uwu" mean?
Cute (or cuteness)
"Shell Shockers" is an FPS game. What does FPS stand for?
First-Person Shooter
What color shirt was Mr. Zen wearing yesterday?
(Dark) Blue with a Superman Logo!
The most expensive Pokémon card sold in a private auction earned US$5,275,000! What Pokémon character was featured on the card?
This game allowed players to live an entire "life story," including going to college, getting a job, getting married, and having kids. What was the game called?
The Sims
What does "Ikun" mean?
Name this animal—the only type of MAMMAL that has a hard shell.
What kind of pet does Ms. Claire have?
Pet Dog(s)!
Dungeons and Dragons
What is this woman pointing at?
A cat!
These soft-bodied invertebrate animals are usually wholly or partly enclosed in a calcium carbonate shell and are a part of what category of animals?
The average avocado is around 200 calories and provides how many grams of protein? (Hint: it's between 1-10)
3 grams of protein
"Choose Your Own Adventure" is widely regarded as the first interactive storybook series. What was the title of the first book in the series?
The Cave of Time
The word "meme" is a shortened form of "mimema" which means "a unit of cultural information spread by imitation." What language is "mimema" from?
What is Mr. Zen's favorite way to prepare eggs? (Hint: it's great with toast!)
"Over Easy"
What will Mr. Zen's sons have for lunch today?