What is the acronym for Net Energy Metering?
These are 3 important requirements on a valid utility bill.
What are:
Account Number
Utility Bill Holder
Site Address
Meter Number
Service ID/Premise #
Usage Graph
This is the platform that houses the Interconnection and Incentives process guides.
What is Confluence?
This symbol is Freedom Forever's logo.
What is the infinity symbol?
These are all of our Regional Interconnection Managers.
Who are Kristin Robbio - East Coast / Midwest, Quincy Harned - SouthEast,
Xiomara Arnett - Texas / PR / Southwest,
Cody Wing - SoCal / NV / NM, and
Ashley Teachman - NorCal / PacWest
What is the acronym for Main Panel Upgrade.
This is a ticket you would open if the signature request came directly from the utility, rather than something we can send ourselves.
What is a Utility Generated Document ticket?
This is the task that we open for a project that requires utility approval in order to receive the permit.
What is the Initial IX Approval Block Permit Task?
This is the utility company that operates one of the largest and most complex energy grids in the Caribbean.
What is LUMA?
These are 3 states that AEP operates in.
What are (name any 3):
West Virginia
What is the acronym for Third Party Owner?
This agreement is required for all California IOU applications, and it must be dated before or on the same date that the contract is signed.
What is the CPUC Agreement?
This is the Rework Ticket type we open when the SOW doesn't match the plans.
What is a SOW Revision Rework Ticket?
These are the 3 California Investor Owned Utilities (IOUs).
What are Pacific Gas & Electric (PG&E), Southern California Edison (SCE), San Diego Gas & Electric (SDG&E)?
This is the department responsible for handling subcontractors, ground mounts, roofing escalations, and electrical work.
What is Project Management?
What is the acronym for Tesla Powerwall?
This i the form that customers sign at point of sale in utilities that don't offer Net Metering.
What is the Acknowledgment of Utility Billing Practices form?
This is the correct process to request a customer reimbursement request.
When would you open a "customer reimbursement" task under the Accounts Payable process?
These are 3 of the Exelon Utility Companies that we work with.
What are (name any 3):
Atlantic City Electric
Delmarva Power
Back in our Podio days, this is what we called our Initial IX Submission.
What is the Pre-Install Submission?
What is the acronym for Power Control System?
When a customer is missing partial information on their Homeowner's Insurance document, this is the action you would take.
When would you open a document request with custom instructions for a partial HOI?
This is the part of the process where we would open a "Utility Construction" task.
What is once the Transformer Upgrade cost responsibility has been confirmed and payment is scheduled/completed.
The logo for this frequently used utility portal is a circle broken up into 4 parts.
What is the logo for PowerClerk?
This is what we called Reworks back in our Podio days.
What is a Design Change Request (DCR)?