Words of Influence
Defining Culture
Cultural Contributions
Expressions & Communication
Global Culture vs. Tradition

This word refers to something valuable that is passed down from one generation to another, like traditions or achievements.

What is legacy?


This term describes the different beliefs, traditions, and customs that make societies unique around the world.

What is cultural diversity?


This term refers to what ancient civilizations left behind, shaping the future of human societies.

What is a cultural legacy?


A society where people greet each other formally, use titles, and follow strict social rules is described as this.

What is a formal culture?


Fast food, fashion, movies, and the Internet contribute to what some call this modern, worldwide phenomenon.

What is global culture?


A developed society with organized government, culture, and technology is known as this.

What is civilization?


The idea that culture is not static but always evolving and shaping modern society is called this.

What is modern culture?


The Middle East and Africa were responsible for major advancements in writing, mathematics, and medicine, helping build what we now call this.

What is world civilization?


This type of communication includes gestures, facial expressions, and body language to convey meaning.

What is non-verbal communication?


Kenji argues that everyone enjoys the same music, food, and jokes, which means culture is this.

What is universal?


If you have helped in making something happen, you have done this.

What is contributed?


Some people argue that culture should be about tradition and history, while others say it should focus on the present. This debate represents a classic example of this kind of logical conflict.

What is a contradiction?


This continent was home to some of the oldest known cities, as well as early developments in government and tools.

What is Asia?


A culture where communication is direct and straightforward is described as this, while one that relies on implied meanings is called this.

What are direct and indirect communication styles?


Nadia argues that culture is not about sameness but rather about this quality, which makes human societies unique.

What is cultural variety?


When someone makes a strong and believable argument, they are speaking in this manner.

What is convincingly?


A shared way of life, including customs, traditions, language, and values, is known as this.

What is culture?


The creation of great architectural works, like castles, cathedrals, and pyramids, is an example of this lasting cultural achievement.

What is historical architecture?


When someone smiles widely to express happiness, it is called this facial expression.

What is a grin?


The practice of wearing specific clothing, eating traditional foods, and celebrating holidays from a particular region represents this aspect of culture.

What are cultural traditions?


When two ideas or opinions are completely different from each other, they are described as this.

What is opposing?


When people from different backgrounds interact and influence each other’s customs and ideas, they are engaging in this process.

What is cultural exchange?


The study of stars, planets, and celestial bodies, first explored by ancient civilizations, is called this.

 What is astronomy?


When two people have different opinions but engage in friendly discussions, they are practicing this form of respectful disagreement.

What is exchanging viewpoints?


The idea that technology, media, and fast food have made cultures around the world more similar is known as this.

What is cultural globalization?
